detention (ii)

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you entered the detention room, your feet dragging along the floor as you looked up, noticing taehyung sitting in a seat near the window. you eyes trailed to the teachers desk to notice that there in fact was no one supervising the detention, "just great," you muttered sarcastically under your breath so only you could hear it.

taehyung observed you as you made your way over to the other side of the room, in the back corner. you sighed as you threw your bag onto the desk, sitting down. you had no idea what you were going to do for eight hours, you figured you would sleep. but you felt awkward having taehyung in the room with you.

you rested your head, using your school bag as a pillow as you tried to get to sleep. after a few minutes you heard sounds of a chair moving across a floor, footsteps, and then someone sit in the seat in front of you, turned around in your direction.

you opened your eyes slightly to notice taehyung sitting in front of you, staring at you. you furrow your eyebrows, glaring at him, "can i help you?" you question rudely. you wanted him to go away so you could get some rest. and after that 'prank', you were done with him.

but, much to your dismay, he reached into his pocket and placed something on your desk. your locket. your eyes widened slightly, as you stared at it. your eyes beginning to water slightly. you looked down, grabbing the necklace slowly and running the chain through your fingers in silence. "i'm sorry," taehyung spoke.

"that's a first," you retort.

"no, i... i really am. i had no idea that your diary had..." he trailed off, not feeling the need to continue. you nodded, sniffling a bit. there was a silence as he waited for your response. you had both never been so vulnerable to each other before.

"you know everything about me taehyung. you know what happened, you know how i felt. you know... you just know," you stated softly, your voice on the verge of cracking, as you stopped and composed yourself, "and i know you. i didn't think we were friends, but out of everybody else, i thought you would be the one to understand," you explained, in a hushed voice.

taehyung stayed silent, and for once, you could tell that he was genuine. he seemed disappointed in himself. a momentary silence hung in the air, "but i was wrong," you admit, tapping your fingers lightly on the desk as you bit your lip.

"i know," he spoke.

you stare up at him, "you can't expect me to forgive you,"

"i don't,"

"oh," you reply, nodding your head slightly. you rested your head on your bag again, staring to the side of the room. an awkward silence fell amongst you and taehyung as you both sat, the tension could be cut with a knife.

you observed taehyung, who's head was rested in his hand as he looked around the room. your  eyes trailed from his lips and up to his eyes. you noticed that even after you fought him, he had barely any injuries, not even a scratch. were you really that weak? damn.

your eyes fell down to your hands, which were bruised, cut and blooded. you realised that the blood that you saw on his face whilst you were fighting him wasn't his blood, but your own blood from your hands. he must have washed it off. you felt slightly embarrassed.

but at least you did gain the upper hand in the fight, as your stopped him from being able to fight or hit you back. that's all that mattered. your eyes travelled up to him again, but they stopped on his hands, examining his knuckles. you raised your head up abruptly, catching his attention.

you grabbed his hands, which were covered in blood and cuts and bruises. you wondered how you never noticed them before, you looked down at him, "holy shit! what happened to your hands?" you exclaimed, looking up at him. surely, they couldn't have gotten like that whilst fighting you, he didn't even touch you.

he pulled them out of your grasp, "nothing, don't worry about them," he replied nonchalantly, folding his arms. you looked up at him slightly through your eyelashes, as he sighed. you were curious. his hands definitely weren't like that earlier.


"-i got your locket back, ok? that's all that matters,"

"what?" you muttered to yourself. you pondered on what his sentence meant, and then your eyes widened. you furrowed your eyebrows, "did you fight namjoon to get my locket back?" you asked, but then regretted it incase that wasn't what happened. you waited eagerly for him to reply.

his response of silence let you know that what you said was the truth. "but he's one of your best friends," you tell him. you were shocked. as much as you hated namjoon, you couldn't help but wonder why taehyung would do that for you, as he was one of his best friends.

taehyung scoffed, "i don't need you to tell me who my friends are,"

"they're all assholes that's what they are. why do you surround yourself with them?" you interrogated him.

he laughed cynically, "who are you, my mother?" he looked away, clearly annoyed. you rolled your eyes, staring at him.

"taehyung," you spoke his name sternly.

he stood up abruptly, causing you to flinch, "god you're so annoying! why can't you just shut up?" he yelled. if he had said this to anyone else, they would have been offended. but since you were used to you and taehyung's troublesome relationship, you just ignored it, standing up too.

"because i'm curious! why would you do that for me? i didn't think you'd care!" you yelled back to him.

"ha! as if i care about you" he replied.

you raised your eyebrows, crossing your arms, "mhm. you know what? i think you do. i think you care about me," you challenge him, smirking, "i think you care about me but you don't want to admit it," you narrow your eyes at him, and he returns the same expression.

"i think i want to punch you," he corrects you.

"then why didn't you?" you interrogate.

"huh?" he raises an eyebrow.

"you could have punched me during the fight, why didn't you?"

"are you crazy? as if i'm going to hit a girl,"

"you've hit me before whilst we were fighting,"

"shut up y/n,"

"fine," you begin to walk away, silence falling over the room, "...i just think it's weird tha-" but before you could finish your sentence, you felt a force press you up against the wall harshly, but that wasn't what surprised you. what surprised you was the feeling of a pair of lips pressed against yours.

you begin to kiss back, but before you could anymore he pulled away quickly, walking backwards and looking at you, "that's why," he muttered, before grabbing his bag and storming away, walking out the door and leaving the detention room. you just stood there, leaning against the wall in shock.

you touched your lips with your fingers, smiling to yourself slightly.

taehyung just kissed you.

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