fight (i)

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you scrunch your nose slightly, your delicate gripping tightly onto the pen in your hand as you copy the maths equations down from the board into your notebook, the pen grazing across the page at the same speed at your fast heart rate. you felt heat rush to your cheeks and the palm of your hands getting sweaty, and you felt like everything was blurry and muffled in your mindless spiral into anger.

your rigid breathing increased slightly as you anticipated the moments to come, the point where you truly snap. every second that it took of class until the bell would ring for lunch was threatening your sanity and you felt utterly crazy. you felt stupid. you felt hurt. you felt distrusted. you hated it. you hated him.


your leg that bounced frantically under your wooden desk stop as you came to a standing position, getting up from your chair and gathering all your books clumsily and shoving them in your bag. organisation was the last thing on your mind as you instantly began pacing to the exit of the math classroom not bothering to wait for your best friend, jungkook like usual. actually, he was also one his best friends so it was probably for the best.

as you push your way out of the classroom door, your feet stomping delicately but quickly across the corridor aligned with lockers, you grip onto the straps of your backpack in order to calm yourself down slightly and gain some peace. your soft hair flows behind you and your eyes dart along the hallway as you begin a desperate search for your ex boyfriend, kim taehyung.

you easily notice him standing by his locker with his other friend, kim namjoon, your friend too, him looking handsome and well kept as always, happy, proud, content, almost like you were never anything to him. as for you, bags were building up under your eyes which had now become puffy from crying and you looked physically slimmer, you didn't understand, were you the only one affected? you felt stupid, tears brimmed your eyes as you stared at the boy, who displayed a stupid smirk as he talked with namjoon.

in seconds his dark orbs darted along the hall and he caught sight of you, his expression falling and his eyes blinking as he straightened up, examining you. this is when you took your chance. you stormed up to him as he stood in the same position, standing in surprise at your action as you stepped in front of him, one hand on the strap of your bag. his eyes scanned you, "y/n,"

"why are you doing this?" you questioned, your voice cracking, threatening to break into sobs. you attempted to keep your voice down in the hopes to not cause a scene, but taehyung being the hottest and most popular boy in school, attention followed wherever he went, and soon enough the hall hushed and a crowd started forming. a flash of guilt washed over his face and his eyes glossed over. in all honesty, it broke him seeing you this hurt, he still cared for you, but you hadn't noticed it because he didn't like to show it.

he gulped, "what do you mean?"

"you know what i mean! why are you telling everybody all the secrets i told you? why are you making me out to seem like the bad guy when you know the true story? why!" you yell, stepping closer to him to intimidate some more in the heated argument. taehyung wanted to talk with you in private, to answer truthfully, to hug you, kiss you again and comfort you, but he felt pressured by the crowd being there and so he felt he wasn't able to convey his emotions.

"don't act all innocent y/n! you started this," he growled in his deep husky voice and you blinked, tears begin to fall and cascade down your cheeks as you laughed emptily. at this point, you were both only a few inches apart, him towering over you and you looking up slightly to meet him at eye level. his dark, once trusting eyes met with yours as you searched for some hint that taehyung was still the same person.

"how did i start this? taehyung i-"

"you broke up with me, y/n! not the other way around. without any explanation, you could be off with some other guy for all i know! and honestly i wouldn't be surprised!" he yelled, and you felt your heart shatter even more. you glanced at the crowd, shock ridden on their faces as people whispered to each other, most likely stuff about you that taehyung had to decided to spread.

"i broke up with you because i had no choice, taehyung," you muttered, staring down at the ground before back up at him, his jaw clenched and his eyebrows furrowed. you ran your hand through your hair, blinking back any oncoming tears as you wiped them from your eyes, "you know i had too,"

"bullshit! there's always a choice y/n! i gave you everything! and you threw it all away! why? because you're scared? you're scared that you're going to get heartbroken? again? guess what! not every person in your life is going to leave you!" he interrogated. the crowd fell silent, except for murmurs and reactions that rang in the air, and the tension that you could easily cut with a knife. you diverted your gaze to the ground, more tears blurring your vision. taehyung's expression softened, and he gave you the same concerned but loving look as he used to give you once he realised what he said, "y/n i-" he began softly, reaching out for you.

you backed away abruptly, as if his touch was like burning hot fire, as you stared up at him, "if you're done with embarrassing me, taehyung, then on your own you can go ahead, tell them everything! tell them all i know about you! tell them why i broke up with you! since you really think they should know! or should i?" you narrow your eyes, scanning across the crowd. your ex boyfriend remained silent, staring into your eyes as his chest rised and falled heavily. you blinked, "i hate you taehyung,"

he face fell, "what?"

"i said i hate you!" you yelled stepping closer to him, "mark my words when i say that i will never forgive you. we're over. forever. and you can try and persuade me like always, but this time i'm not falling for it," you croaked, observing him, his silver hair, his soft eyes. you stepped even closer to him, shoving him back, but him being stronger he stood still, "i hate you," you state, before turning and storming off, leaving taehyung and your heart behind.

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