#1: Social Media Toxicity

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Hi everyone and welcome to the first chapter of #NoFilter where I share some of the rawest emotions, moments from my life but also hope to get you all readers connected together to share your own experiences! This is a free of judgement space. I don't want no mean comments please.

So let's start with what social media toxicity is? According to my Google sources, toxicity is when a substance is harmful to our health. In this case, the substance= social media. It can be poisonous, in fact it can really have a deteriorating impact on our health.

When I was only a beginner in this whole 'social media' world, I solely used it to connect with my family and friends and like fanfic pages such as the Vampire Diaries. It was innocent, nothing more nothing less. I am confident in saying it was a handy tool that I did used with a healthy mind and approach.

It was healthy until it wasn't.

No longer has the social media apps became a tool to just keep in touch. Well not for me, anyways. I started noticing that social media is built on visuals. Everything is visual. Images of people's lives, their achievements, their successes, their pets...

Scrolling down on newsfeeds, I saw things I didn't have- that perfect white smile, that perfect flat stomach, those shiny hair... It spiraled out of control when I simply became trapped and intoxicated into comparing myself to others- some I didn't even meet in real life.

Wasn't social media supposed to be a happy place? That innocent space where I should be unwinding from others stressors in life? It should have. Oh it should have. The present me is still struggling with comparing myself to things that are unrealistic and are definitely altered to impossible perfection. So I do hope that one day, I'll be able to view social media as the innocent tool like I did when I was a beginner.

What do you'se think about social media? Does anyone think the same way I do? If so, I want you to feel free to comment down and just get it off your chest. Say it, sing it, dance it, share it and hopefully it will lead this self awareness to a positive action.

Sending you all virtual hugs,

KinderKari 💖

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