#4: There should be an all skin inclusion

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Hi everyone and welcome to the new chapter of #NoFilter. Today, I felt like chatting about how little inclusion does media give various all skin types including acne, eczema, hyperpigmentation, hives... so on.

When you look at skincare adverts, a lot of the models don't even struggle with the 'skin issue' the company is targeting at. An acne product with a photoshopped model  in the before pictures won't really promote the effectiveness of the product. It makes it unbelievably unreliable.

So on that note, I would love to see models with real conditions of skin on some of the magazines or websites so that we can all feel included and accepted. Seeing unrealistic photos all the time can really make us wonder if we are the only ones struggling  until we go out  of our own way and speak to someone  to find out they are just as humane as we are.

So more promotion of real skin would definitely feel more humane and real because let's be honest no skin will ever be as perfect as the photoshop version. Ever. That magic tool just isn't available in our local drugstore or anywhere.

Does anyone know any models posting real pictures of themselves with their struggles?

I do know of one model named Kadeeja Khan who posts real photos of herself and I admire her for it! When I look at her smiling face, I feel so much more confident in my own skin. Like she rocks it and so can we!

Why is body dysmorphia so common amongst so many females? About 1 in 50 people are affected. This means that more than 5 million people to nearly 10 million people in the United States alone have body dysmorphia. Just looking at that number makes me sad because I know for a fact that social media plays a huge part in the development of this condition. If we saw more real, raw content, we would just feel connected. We'd feel connected as a community and know that every single person looks different to the person standing next to them and that these 'skin issues' that society has engrained on us into thinking they aren't real and that we should strive to be some photoshopped version of images that we will never obtain because that is not how human genetics work.

I just hope for a bigger shift in the media on this topic but to remind you we all have our better and worse days and  I just want everyone reading this to know that you are beautiful, your real skin is beautiful and you are worth your presence, your dreams and success.

So  to end this on a positive note, run a bath-tub, light up your favorite candle and tell yourself "I am a beautiful angel" because you are and you don't need a reason to say it. You just simply are.

Sending you all virtual hugs,

KinderKari 💖

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