#15: Cancelling TV shows

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Hi everyone and welcome to the new chapter of #NoFilter! Today's chapter will be short and simple. I hope you enjoy it :).

TV shows are wonderful until one of your favorites gets cancelled, leaving you on the edge of a cliff-hanger. Isn't it so bittersweet?

I had this particular show that managed to hook me in from the start, making me feel so connected to the cast, only to leave me spineless and troubled with the dreadful news of cancellation. Secret Circle was one of those TV shows that kickstarted my ventures into the American shows and so will always hold a special place in my heart.

Thinking about it, I don't think it's classified legal to leave someone in so much tears and despair over a show's cancelation. Didn't they teach in school that when you want to cancel, you have to give a prior notice? They can't go around, breaking so many hearts (roll in the dramatic music).

It's only fair to the audience, to provide them with some kind of closure. Because closure is necessary.

In my opinion, there should be a policy that ensures that the show is given few episodes to wrap up their storyline in a way that won't leave fans unsatisfied and holding on to any hope that it can be renewed in a years time.

How would you feel about this type of policy proposal? Would be in or against such idea?

Are there any tv shows that you have watched and loved, only to hear that you will no longer be able to see its continuation?

I want to hear all about your thoughts.

Hopefully in the future, they create such policy because human rights right? ;)

Sending you all virtual hugs,

KinderKari 💖

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