chapter one- finding the cortez

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(Sally will be introduced at the end of the chapter)

I lay on the cold, tiled kitchen floor uncomfortably. Gasping rapidly for air as his strong hands wrapped tighter around my neck. I could feel the blood dripping from my forehead as I struggled to get away from him. My vision slowly fading ....  I awoke from my daydream as a car sped past me. I had managed to get away from my psycho boyfriend after he went to bed leaving me a bruised and bloody mess. I had silently packed a few of my things, not having time to clean myself up. I had finally  left after thinking about it so many times before but never having the courage to do so.

So here I was now walking around Los Angeles at night-time with nowhere to go and limited cash. I began to get a bit scared, my guess was it was around 11 p.m. now and not many places were open that I had seen. I was not allowed a phone so I could not Google places or even see the exact time. I could feel the tears burning my eyes threatening to spill but I was not going to cry. I'm a big girl I thought to myself as I held on to the straps of my pink Disney backpack and continued to walk.

Maybe if I had been a gooder girl this wouldn't of happened

I stopped in front of a ginormous building that looked very old and intriguing to me,the sign read hotel cortez.

I hesitated for a moment and wondered if I should try it, after all no where would take bookings this late but I also had next to no money
May aswell try I thought as I struggled to open the heavy doors. The lobby was huge and eerily silent which I put off to the time.

I walked towards the reception desk where an old kind looking lady sat reading a book.

"Hello, excuse me" I said embarrassed by my small childlike voice. The lady put down her book and looked up at me and frowned.

"Well hello there, are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yes I'm sorry to be a bother so late at night but I was wondering if I could maybe get a room?" I replied looking down at my feet.

"Of course hun it's 60 dollars a night and you're not bothering me at all".

My heart dropped a bit I only had $70 altogether. I opened my purse and stopped for a moment considering my options. the lady noticed and I blushed and handed her the money,at least I would have a bed for one night I suppose.

"I'll take you up to your room to unpack and then if you come back down I will clean up your face" the lady said smiling coming out from behind the desk.

"O-oh n-no it's okay you don't have too"I started following her to the elevator." I won't take no for an answer it will get infected if you leave it like that" she stated " im Iris by the way".

"Olivia " I replied still not looking up .

we rode the elevator in comfortable silence once the doors opened two little blonde boys ran past us giggling. "Boys you need to go to bed" Iris yelled to them down the hall as they disappeared. " They belong to the owner of the hotel and I help look after them, I don't shout at random kids" she chuckled.

Smiling at her we walked down the hall stopping outside room 56. " I'll let you get settled, come to the bar on the first floor when you're done"she told me and left.

I opened the door to the room it was not anything special but it was mine. I smiled as I shut the door and dived on the bed, standing and jumping on it to test it out. I sat down with a small giggle as I opened my bag that contained the few items that I had packed. First I pulled out my blanket placing it on the pillow behind me, then my pumpkin who was a stuffed doll followed by my Paci which I hid under the pillow.

(AHS) Sally x OC mdlg Where stories live. Discover now