Chapter 3: He Was Acting Strange

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Once Bailey hit the stateline she grabbed a burger and some fries from Steak and Shake. Her phone died so it was in her passenger seat charging.

She finally pulled into Georgetown it was the first time she had been home in ten years. Everyone had destination weddings or eloped. They were all waiting outside the hospital for her.

"Does anyone know what kind of car she is driving these days? We havent really stayed in touch all that well since work and life started." Natasha said

"No.." Bucky said

She whipped into the parking lot and parked. She took a deep breathe as she turned off her car.

Through his tears he seen a tiny blonde make her way up to him. He smiled at her she wiped tears as she ran to him. He caught her "did you eat?" He whispered as he held her.

"I did." She whispered.

"Okay darlin..lets go.." he whispered as he sat her down.

He took her upstairs with their friends behind them. Pietro kept his distance they dated in high school but when he proposed to her she turned him down.

She found her dad in the CCU waiting room. He hugged her and lead her back with Bucky right behind her.

"Be prepared baby.." Joe said

"Daddy..I work in ICU and CCU.." she said

She made her way into his room. Bradley was lying flat on his back. She read the machines and she shook her head no. "Daddy can I talk to his doctor." She said

"Yeah he needs to talk to you anyways.." Joe said

She started to breathe hard. "Baby doll whats wrong.." Bucky said

"Hi Im Dr Shawn Weston.." Dr Weston said.

"Um I know this may sound strange. But um Im a ICU/CCU nurse practitioner in Atlanta..can I see my brother's scans and chart please.." she said

"Bailey not now.." Joe said

"Yes you can Ms Barnett.." Dr Weston said

He brought them to her she read them the scans. The notes in his charts she started to cry. She gave them back to his doctor.

She used her flashlight and did everything she does back home. "Bailey darlin..stop.." Bucky whispered.

"Bailey Jane.." Joe said

Bucky wrapped his arms around her. "Doll face..he is gone..they need you to make a decision.." Bucky whispered

"I cant do that right now I need some time to think.." she said and walked out.

Bucky followed her out to her car he got on his bike. He did his best to follow her with everyone on his tail. They ended up at the high school football field.

"Bailey Jane.." Bucky said as she started to pace.

"Did..was he acting strange a month ago?" She said

"What?" Bucky said

"Like...he called me a month ago. Asking me questions about this very thing that is happening right now..he told me that if this happened to turn them off.." she said

Bucky looked at her like a confused puppy. "So I will ask again..was he acting strange.." she said

"He did say something about us being his pallbearers one night we were out drinking beers.." Sam said

"You didnt find that odd..or it didnt raise a red flag.." she said

"Well you are one to talk.." Bucky said

"A few days before that night he came in wanting to update his will. Since the last one he made was when he was dating Carol..but he didn't want Daniella or the baby listed.." Pietro said

"What??" Bailey said

"Yeah he came in and said he wanted to update it. Its not uncommon Bailey so I didnt think that it was odd that he wanted to update it. But I did find it odd that he didnt leave her anything." He said

Bailey started to walk away she squatted down and started to cry. Bucky walked to her he knelt down to her.

"Baby he told you what he wanted for this. Go tell them and we will figure out the rest later..maybe it is just coincidence that this happened." Bucky said

She looked down as tears fell. "I felt it Buck..I felt his pain..I passed out from it I was in the middle of a shift." She said

"Oh god.." he whispered as he hugged her.

They went back to the hospital. She told the doctor what her brother's wishes were. But she wanted to give everyone their time to say goodbye.

Bucky walked in first he hugged him. "I love you my brother..we will miss your ass. Dont you worry I got her.." he whispered.

They all took their turns then held hands afterwards. The nurse came in and started to turn everything off one by one. As Bradley took one last breathe Bailey felt a pang of nausea and ran to the bathroom to puke.

Bucky held her hair back and rubbed her back. As they joined the others in the waiting room. Daniella said "Um..I would like for you all to handle the funeral you all have known him the longest. It would be better if you all did it."

"Okay.." Joe said

"I um here is truck keys.." Daniella said as she hands them to Bucky and walked away.

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