Chapter 5: What Do We Do Now?

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The next morning she woke up before Bucky. She laid there in his bed as he had a arm across her. Tears started to form that it wasn't a dream as she started to twirl her blonde hair. She sniffled which woke up Bucky "baby.." he whispered

"Im sorry..I didnt mean to wake you up.." she whispered.

He wiped her tears. "It's fine..I haven't slept good all night. It's like when I first came home from being over there. Or have scary fire calls. My mind won't shut off but this is one call I want to forget." He said as he laid back on his pillow.

She felt her watch buzzed she saw that her dad was calling. "Buck my phone.." she said

He rolled to his nightstand handed it to her. She answered the phone.

"Hey daddy." She said

"Hey baby..where are you?" Joe said

"I um I stayed at Bucky's place." She said as she sat up.

Bucky checked his phone as she talked to her dad. He texted the group text "breakfast?"

"Definitely..donuts and coffee?"

*The Bartons*
"Sounds good whose buying?"

"Rhodes and Danvers*
"Make sure you get us guys hot coffee who ever is buying. We dont like that ice shit."

"Ditto Rhodes..-Sam
"Shut up you know you love us" -Val

"Hope? Scott? Pietro? Where are you all this morning?" Bucky texted

*The Langes..*
"Ice coffee for me-Hope"
"Hot for me -Scott."

"Hot for me.."

Bailey read the texts on her watch Rhodes text made her smile. She hung up her call with her dad.

*B.J Barnett*
"Rhodes you hush! You all are a bunch of man babies. Me and Barnes are buying. Meet at my dads in an hour. 😜"

She heard Bucky scoff from the bathroom. "I am not a man baby.." he said as he came out.

"Oh yes you are.." she said as she crawled to the side of the bed.

"Mm looking good Barnett.." he said

"I look a mess.." she said

"A beautiful mess.." he said as he held her waist.

She rolled her eyes. "And thanks for volunteering us.." he said as he let her go.

She kissed his cheek. "Welcome.." she said as she went to get her clothes.

"nice red lace darlin.." he said as he laid across the bed.

She gasped and threw her shirt at him. "What? You were the one all bent over right in front of me.." he said with a wicked grin.

"Stop.." she said

He pulled her into his lap. "Make me stop my blonde bombshell.." he said

"We aren't in highschool anymore James Buchanan.." she said

"Im well aware that we aren't in highschool. But that doesn't mean you quit being my gorgeous blonde bombshell." He said as he let her go to get dressed.

They headed downstairs after she finished getting ready. When they got outside she locked up her car. He walked her over to a black 2019 Ford Raptor truck.

"And Im a fancy pants.." she said

"You shush..this is a ford truck its not a benz fancy nancy.." he said as he opened the passenger side door for her.

She climbed inside he shut the door then he got in on his side. "What are you doing?" He said

"Im putting on my seatbelt duh!" She said

"No scoot here..this is still your spot." He said as he pulled her closer to him.

She rolled her eyes as she put her seatbelt on. "So you have this and your bike.." she said

"Yeah mama doesn't like when its raining or snowing. So to ease her mind I got a truck too. I had my old truck forever but it blew up about two years ago." He said as he backed out of the spot.

"Oh.." she said

He interlaced his hand with hers when they pulled out of his parking lot. She saw his dogtags hanging on his rearview mirror along with their graduation tassel.

They got donuts from Dunkin Donuts and coffee from the Starbucks in Krogers. Once they got all that done they headed to her dad's house.

She swallowed hard when she saw Bradley's truck in the driveway. "Oh daddy.." she whispered

"I gave him the keys.." Bucky said as they turned in.

They carried in the stuff and met everyone in the kitchen. Their parents were there as well. James and Winnie hugged Bucky which made him cry. They hugged Bailey as well.

Bucky sat her up on one of the counters where he stood in between her legs. Joe took a deep breathe "Um I had James help me get his truck this I found this paper in his visor." He said

"What is it daddy?" Bailey said

"Dear Dad,Bailey and Bucky.

Please do these for me if I pass away. Bailey Jane I want you and Bucky to do my eulogy. The boys already know that they are going to be my pallbearers. I want them to give my military flag to Bailey Jane. Be there for one another especially my sister and Bucky. I'll see you on the other side I love you all. Love Bradley J. Barnett."

Bucky was facing Bailey with hands on either side of her legs. He shook his head as he blinked tears away. He rested his forehead against Bailey's and broke.

Winnie said " know two..need to go. This is to hard for you both to do right now. Me and your daddy James will help Joe do this along with the others. You two go out for a bike ride get out of town for a night  okay.."

"I agree..Bailey Jane..James you two get a pass on not helping. We will keep you updated..I have to meet the funeral director." Joe said

Bucky swallowed hard. "Okay.." he said through tears.

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