Chapter 10: House Shopping

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The next morning she was watching him sleep. He was laying there with the blanket laying perfectly at his hips.

"I can feel you staring.." he whispered half asleep.

She giggled.

"I have missed that giggle.." he said as he rolled to her.

They were laying nose to nose. "What is going on in that pretty head of yours darlin?" He said

"I want to buy a house..I want us to start fresh baby. This was yours and Bradley's bachelor pad. I want something that is ours.." she said

He smirked. "Okay.." he said as he reached his phone.

"What are you doing?" She said

He scrolled through his contacts as he said "shush.."

He pressed the call button. "Hey do you think you could help me with something?" He said to his brother in law.

"Yeah I can..whats up?" Micah said as Bucky put him on speaker phone.

"Bailey Jane here wants to start looking for a house. A house that is ours..its time that I give up my bachelor pad." He said

Micah started chuckling. "Alright..I will start pulling some houses. Anything in mind Ms Bailey Jane?"  Micah said

"Yes..4 bedrooms a dining room..laundry room. A finished basement for Bucky..and a big master bathroom." She said

"Jesus baby you have thought this through.." Bucky said

"Okay I will be in touch.." Micah said

"Thanks Micah..give my sister and the kids my love." He said

"Will do. Love ya brother." Micah said

"Love you.." Bucky said and hung up.

"Ms Fancy long have you been awake.." he said

"Hmm...since have to remember my job baby.." she said

"Why do we need 4 bedrooms? Oh god..are you pregnant? It was just two weeks could you already know?" Bucky said

"Bucky breathe..Im on the shot..jesus christ. Did you act like this with Gracie?" She said

He looked down.

"Im sorry..I didnt mean to bring that up.." she said

"Bailey..that was one of the scariest moments of my life. Holding my baby girl saying goodbye to her. So please dont joke about my accidental pregnancy with Gracie. You will never understand how difficult that was to look at Aurora who just looked like she was sleeping." Bucky said

Bailey looked down. "Im gonna go take a shower.." she said as she got up.

"Bails.." he said as he realized he got a little to defensive.

She slammed the door behind her. He heard the water running he got up to join her.

"Im sorry I snapped at you Bailey.." he whispered as he got in.

She wiped tears and sniffled. "Bailey please dont cry.." he said as he held her.

"Baby Im sorry I shouldnt of gotten upset with you..I know you didn't mean anything by it. Please dont cry baby." He said as she started to calm down.

They finally got out of the shower she went to the hospital for her interview. Bucky went to work at the fire house.

"Bucky you look upset. Whats wrong?" Steve said

"First morning of us officially living together. And I just about screwed the whole fucking god damn thing up.." he said

"What did you do?" Rhodes said

He shook his head as he sat down at the table. "She wants to buy a house..which is fine. I have to grow up and give up my bachelor pad. But when Micah asked her what she wanted she said 4 bedrooms." He said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"So? She is planning ahead..that has always been Bailey." Rhodes said

Bucky looked down. "You thought she was trying to tell you that she was pregnant and freaked out." Steve said

"Yeah..and she told me to breathe. Then asked if I acted like this when Gracie told me she was pregnant with Aurora. Which I.." Bucky said

"Let me guess snapped at her.." James said as he came in.

"Yeah.." he said as he looked down.

"She cried in the took me twenty minutes to calm her down." He said

"Boys give me a minute with my son.." James said

They all left the break room he shut the door. "James son..we all know how hard it was at 17 to bury her. I cant even begin to imagine how hard it was to hold her that morning. But for you to snap at Bailey like that.." James said

"I know..I didnt mean to get defensive.." he said

"I hope that you learned your lesson..think before you go on a tangent.." James said

"How did you know that I went on a tangent?" He said

"She called your mama on her way to the hospital.." James said

"Oh.." Bucky said

Meanwhile at the hospital Natasha helped Bailey find Chief of Nursing Gemma Simmons. After her interview the girls took their lunch break and had lunch with Bailey. Hope and Carol joined them at the restaurant.

While they were eating Bailey seen a red head. She was holding a  newborn baby girl. As she was sitting there a man joined them.

Bailey looked behind her as she was she was leaving. Bailey's mouth fell open when she saw Daniella.

"Dani?" She said as she walked to their table.

"Bailey..I um." Daniella said

"I thought you weren't due till August.." she said

"Um..I um.." Daniella said

"You cheated!" Bailey said as she walked away.

Bucky came home to find her making dinner that night. He carefully wrapped his arms around her. "Baby.." he whispered

She turned around "I got the job.." she said with red eyes.

He smiled at her with tears in his eyes. He sat her up on the counter he held her cheeks.

"Bailey Jane..I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart baby about this morning. I didnt mean to make it seem like I was mad at you cause I wasn't. Gracie and I werent dating when she got pregnant. We had a condom break..I stayed by her side because of the baby." He said

"Bucky shut up..I am not crying because of that.." she said

"Why are you crying then?" He said

"I was out at lunch today with the girls after my interview. I seen a red head with a baby..and a man joined them. As I was leaving..I looked to see them. It was Daniella Buck she had the baby..she cheated on Bradley..I just got off the phone with my dad I had to tell him.." she said

"That fucking bitch.." he said as he flipped the steaks for her.

"I had Val check the hospital records..guess why she wasn't at the funeral..she was in labor..she laid about her due date.." she said as she poured wine into her wine glass.

He shook his head as he checked his email. "Check your email baby..I forwarded you Micah's email.." he said as he started to make plates.

They ate dinner as they discussed which houses they liked and didnt like. Bucky texted Micah the ones they liked.

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