Chapter 8: I Can't Be Without You

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-A month later-

Bucky was standing in the break room. Steve came in "uh Buck? Earth to Bucky..some of us would like coffee.."

"Oh sorry.." he said as he moved from the coffee pot.

"Buck you alright?" Rhodes said

"Yeah just great.." he said

" have been in a even bigger slump since Bailey went back to Atlanta." Clint said

Bucky just walked out with his head hung low. He almost walked right into Wanda. "Sorry Wanda." He said.

"Bucky.." Wanda said

It had been a month since losing Bradley. Bailey stayed a week but went back to Atlanta. Even though she was doing better about talking to him.

He hadn't been on a date since she left. Because the words of his dead best friend haunted his mind. "She isnt the type you fuck and drop Bucky. She is my baby sister and I wont let you hurt my little sister. You need to grow up before you tell her how you feel."

That night Bucky couldn't sleep he finally downed a couple of beers to sleep. The next morning Bucky made himself some breakfast. After breakfast he pulled on one of his firefighter t shirts and jeans.

He got on his bike it was his day off. He took off south he couldn't hold back anymore. He had to bring his girl home.

Bailey was working her floor. She was checking vitals and charting. Around 2pm she was finishing up giving a patient some medicine in their IV. As she was walking out the nurse at the desk.

"She's right behind you.." Allie said

Bucky turned around to see her in scrubs with a messy bun and glasses. "Hey darlin.." he said

She looked up. "Buck?" She said

Allie took her chart after she finished. "What are you doing here?" She said

He kissed her as he grabbed her cheeks. She started to kiss back he rested his forehead against hers.

"I love you..I need you to come home I can't be without you anymore Bailey Jane.." he said as he kissed her again.

"Good god stop kissing me like that before I kill over..I have waited for you since I was 15 years old. I turned down Pietro because I love you. But you.." she said

"Not anymore..when do you get off?" He said

She looked at her watch. "In twenty minutes.." she said

"Okay.." he said

She got a sticky note pad she wrote down her address. She took her apartment key off her key ring. "Here is my address and my key wait for me there.." she said

"Okay.." he said as he kissed her again with tongue as he pulled her closer and backed her against her the nurse's desk.

"Mmm James Buchanan..I am at work.." she said

He winked at her. "You know I dont follow rules.." he said as he walked away.

She shook her head as she saw how tight his jeans were. "Shoo..what an ass.." she said

"I heard that.." he said as he kept walking.

Allie said "Who is that fine piece of ass.."

"Shush..he is mine.." she said as she went to finish her shift.

Bucky got to his bike he put her address into his GPS. "I should of drove my truck.." he thought to himself.

He figured out how to get to her apartment. He made his way up to her studio apartment. "Oh baby doll.." he said when he walked in.

Her bag from when she was in town hadn't even been unpacked. Mascara smears on her pillow and empty take out boxes. He sat down on her bed he smiled when he saw the picture on her nightstand.

It was her on Bucky's tailgate in between him and Bradley as they kissed her cheeks. They all three had coronas it was Bailey and Bradley's 16th birthday that night.

About ten minutes later she came through the door. She sat down beside him they kissed as he laid her back.

"I need my girl home with me.." he said as he pushed some of her blonde hair back.

She looked up at him. "What about my job?" She said

"Thats what you are worried about. Baby your best friends all work the hospital back home except Hope and Carol." He said

She smirked. "You look so sexy today James Buchanan.." she said

"Uh the sexy one is you Ms Make Anything look good including scrubs." He said as they started to make out.

He started to untie her scrub pants. She stopped him as she bit her lip. "Baby..we can take it slow if you want.." he said as caressed her cheek.

She swallowed hard as she looked down. "Bailey Jane..whats the matter?" He said

"Im still a virgin.." she whispered

He lifted her chin "Well..thats not so bad baby. I'll wait till you are ready." He said

"Thats not the problem.." she said as she kissed him.

He kissed her back as they began open mouth kisses. They started to undress each other. He pushed into her as she gasped.

"Shh..its okay..relax baby.." he whipered as she whimpered.

He pushed all the way into her. "Ah..oh fuck....mmm" he whispered.

He kissed her and slowly moved in and out of her. Her cherry popped he kissed her as she moaned in pain. He picked up the pace she started to feel her first orgasm building.

"James..James..oh gosh..oh my gosh!" She moaned out.

"Yeah baby..oh god come for me again." He whispered as he kissed her.

She had another one and another. He started to get faster with his hips. "Yeah..oh Bailey Jane..oh Fuckk!!" He said as she had another one as his was building.

His eyes began to roll as his mouth fell open and whispered out her name as he spilled into her. He slowly pumped into her they were making out.

"God damn that was the best fucking sex of my life." He whispered as he rolled off of her.

"Wow.." she whispered.

They ordered some pizza for dinner and drank some of the beer she had. They had another round of sex before they passed out for the night. 

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