Chapter 7: Funeral Day

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It was the morning of the funeral. Bucky woke up to the sound of Bailey crying in the shower. He jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom.

He felt the water was cold as she sat in his tub. "Baby.." he said as he wrapped a towel around her and held her as he kissed her temple.

He made her look at him. "Dont scare me like that again. Thats not the best way to wake me up." He said as he wiped her tears.

She swallowed hard as she looked at him. "I cant lose you too understand? I need you Bailey.." he said

She shook her head yes.

He let her go she went to get herself ready. She did her hair and make up Bucky was finally able to get a shower.

She put on her panty hose as Bucky was coming out of the bathroom. He came up behind her and zipped her dress for her.

"Thanks.." she said

He put on his military dress blues. She made sure everything was in its place on his jacket. She did his tie for him. "I can't believe this is happening." He said as they went downstairs.

She gave him her keys as they went out the door. He opened up her passenger door to let her in. She carefully sit down in the car as he got in her driver side. They headed towards the funeral home.

She placed her lace gloved hand over his white gloved hand. He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles as he drove.

They pulled into the parking lot he helped her out. She slid her arm into his as they walked up to the building. The boys were all dressed in their military blues. Except Sam Scott and Clint who were in their police officer dress blues.

Bucky lead her to her seat next to her dad who was a veteran so he was in his dress blues. So was James and the boys dads. She started to shake when she seen her brother's pictures up on the screen as "In Color"by Jamey Johnson. Joe took her hand "baby breathe.." he whispered.

The service began as the boys carried in his casket. They all had tears down their cheeks. But no more than Bucky.

They took their seats where the pallbearers had to sit. The pastor took the podium. He began his part of the service.

The pastor said "Officer Bradley Barnett has asked that his twin sister and honorary brother Firefighter Corporal James Barnes to give his eulogy.."

Bailey swallowed hard as Bucky took her hand and helped her up the stairs. She opened her clutch and pulled out her index cards.

She took a deep breathe.

"Bradley first friend my brother my superhero. We have never really been apart we have been by each other's side since the womb. For the first time ever Im in a world without you in it. For a long time we tried so hard to get our twin esp to work we couldnt get it right. We broke bones purposedly wreck bikes. Even when you got a football injury it still didnt work. And of all days for it to finally work it had to be the day God decided to take you home. I will do my best to make you proud and take care of dad..and Daniella..I love you BJ see you on the other side." She said

"Bradley damn it..You and I were partners in crime since we were 3 years old. You became a brother to me even though I have three brothers you were the one I always wanted. On and off the field you were had my back and I had yours. And in some ways I feel bad cause I wasn't able to save you that day. I love you my brother and dont you worry Ive got baby Barnett. We all do. We love you we miss you see you soon BJ."

Bucky walked her back to her seat. He kissed her forehead as he let her go. When she said "dad where is Daniella?" In his ear.

"I dont know..I left a message about the funeral she never called back." He whispered.

After the service was over the boys carried him out to the hertz. Bucky put the funeral flag on her car as they got in. He looked over at her.

"I thought you were about to pass out like you did at your mom's." He said

"No..I was trying to find Daniella..she isnt here said he left a message but she never called back." She said as they made their way through town.

When they did get on the main road the sidewalks was lined by the police officers and firefighters. "Thank you boys.." Bucky whispered.

"You told them.." she said

"Some of them we went to school with.." he said as he grabbed her hand.

They finally arrived at the cemetery. Bucky and the boys carried the casket to the burial site. They had a small service there.

They gave Bailey his flag after they folded it up. They all laid flowers on his casket. They lowered the casket as she stood there as it started to rain on Bailey.

She couldn't move Joe looked at Bucky. "Get her..she is going to get sick if you don't. James its your turn now. Bradley always took care of her when she was sick. My boy she is going to need you now more than ever." Joe said

"Yes sir..I know..he has always told me what to do." He said

He walked up to her he hugged her. "Baby you know you cant stand here in the will get sick..lets go." He said

"Carry me.." she whispered

He let out a laugh. "Jump." He said

She jumped and wrapped her legs. He put her in the car she took off her heels she threw them in her back seat as he got in.

That night they had their tribute concert. They ended the show with "I'll Be Missing You."

Bucky had Bailey by his side as they sing the song. By the end of the song everyone in the barn was singing along.

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