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richie sat on the steps of his porch, the sun shining happily through the perfectly clean white clouds. it was a silly thing to say, but the world revolved around this one boy. Richie trashmouth Tozier. the sun came out every morning and shone just for him. when he was angry or sad it rained and awful thunder struck derry. he was the epitome of beautiful. 'gods favorite child' , as some would consider to say. when he smiled, his whole face scrunched up adorably, the whole world lit up. he swayed jokingly yet charmingly along to random songs he heard. he had the most gorgeous, care filled eyes anyone had ever seen. his glasses emphasized his eye color and made his nose look even cuter. his cheeks were capable of lighting up a excellent peach or crimson hue. his hair was gently curled, his hair progressively got curlier and curlier as the years went by. his life seemed so perfect, his parents loved to act so well put together, clean cut and kind towards everyone else but their own son. his parents cared for him less and less ever since his sister was born, four years ago. he had a stunning girlfriend named bree, her barley waved, chocolate brown colored hair fell perfectly behind her ears, her eyes were a pretty tawny shade. but, behind closed doors, he was verbally and physically abused. he was thought so low of, in his own household, the place he was supposed to be safest. even henry bowers, derry's most well known bully, couldn't compete with Wentworth and Maggie tozier. his girlfriend threatened to dump him every time he wanted to hang out with his only friend, bill denbrough, just the two of them. she was pushy and bossy, quick to make rain and thunder fall from the grey clouds, if you know what i mean. richie didn't even like girls, for fucks sake. he was so eager to get out of this relationship that put so much unnecessary weight on his shoulders. for a change, he wanted to feel loved by someone he loved and cared for back. the problem is, on the other hand, he was afraid of being alone. thats the last thing he wanted to happen. he was only dating her because his parents forced him to and he wanted so desperately to feel something that was so easy to explain, something he didn't even need to explain. something the rest of the boys in his grade were feeling. he wanted to feel the sparks and quick heartbeats that came along with feeling lips against his so softly and tenderly. he could easily get any girl or boy he wanted in the little town, not like he appreciated the girl option. most girls in his school liked him, and only him. he wasn't a jock, however. no matter how hard they tried, he wouldn't give in. he simply didn't want a relationship with any of them. anyways, why was he wasting his time with a girl he didn't even like? he wanted to spend his time with a boy, for a change. most nights, he dreamt of the 'perfect' boy. the boy he imagined perfect in his own head full of dirty jokes to be told later when the time came...

richie sighed softly and quietly as the gently rain fell pitter patter on the window. he was obviously feeling sad. it was as if the world was black and white at that moment. the universe didn't like when he was upset. although the rain is nice, he wasn't able to always enjoy it properly. it made his sadness worse. he got up and left his seat by the window, picking up his faded egyptian blue colored backpack. he put on his plain black flat vans he owned since he was twelve, it was probably about time he got new ones, as he was growing out of them rapidly. good thing he got them many shoe sizes bigger than his own for foot space when he purchased them. he didn't bother putting on his raincoat, as he was fine with getting damp. he slowly opened the door so that his small family wouldn't hear. he didn't have energy to make up an excuse for leaving without warning. he figured they would think he snuck off to be with bree anyways, and they didn't care. after all, they absolutely adored her. they were just glad he wasn't hanging out with a boy. they knew his secret and despised him for it.
the second he stepped away from the awning, he felt the cold rain tap his head gently over and over again, without stopping. he felt shivers explore his back, and he immediately regretted not wearing a sweater or anything.. but he didn't want to go back inside and possibly get caught. so he just tried his best to ignore it. he waited for a few minutes.
finally, he watched as bill drove into the toziers parking spot. he waved at his friend, walking over and opening the passenger sides door. trashmouth wasn't allowed to have his own car, even though he was old enough. his parents feared him running away and never turning back, but not really, since they didn't care too much about him. he was glad his friend had a car, so the two (sometimes three) could go where ever they wanted when ever they wanted. he sat down and exchanged hellos to bill and georgie. georgie always loved hanging out with richie, and would as much as he was allowed to. the youngest denbrough was adorable, intelligent for his age and nice. the rain fell on the sun roof that richie occasionally stuck his head out of when he probably shouldn't. the car started moving. they all had plans to go to the movie theater or the mall, they really didn't mind as long as they were in each others company. they were all cracking completely dumb jokes the entire drive there.

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