Chapter 1: The dream

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Hello to you~!

I'm so excited to start writing this fanfiction, but unlike last time, I've given myself a challenge...

I have given myself a schedule! I want to upload every thursday, but please... if I one week is really busy, OR decides to upload twice, don't get mad, please? ^^


The golden grain straws, in the cornfield, swayed when the gentle wind embraced them. Flower petals swirled in the wind, from the few flowers standing in the cornfield. In the middle of the cloudless, blue sky the too-bright sun shone down on the sleeping blonde.

Her eyes fluttering open, Lucy let out a tired groan as the sun disturbed her slumber. With tired movements, she sat up, stretching her neck so she could glance over the grain straws. The cornfield looked... endless.

"Where am I?" Lucy murmured to herself, rubbing her eyes with her eyes. She stood up, getting a better look around the cornfield, and as before, it looked endless.

Suddenly, Lucy spotted a blonde head sticking up from the tall straws. Lucy didn't recognize the head, because it was only the hair crown showing.

Lucy was about to walk over to the blonde head, but suddenly the owner began jumping up and down, revealing his face. He had the exact same chocolate brown eyes as Lucy, and his golden blonde hair waved in the wind. His face was cute and boyish and he was only a little smaller than Wendy was

"Lucy-nee-san," the boy exclaimed, waving as he jumped up and down. "Let's play again some time, okay?" And with that, he stopped jumping and ran away, leaving a trace where he ran.

"Hey, wait up!" Lucy exclaimed, running after as childish and boyish laughs echoed through her head.

The traces he left in the cornfield disappeared at the moment Lucy stepped in them.

And then something strange happened. The light blue sky turned grey. Big, heavy rainclouds filled the sky, and the golden straws turned brownish, fading a little bit.

Lucy moved her hand to her mouth, terrified by the sudden weather change. What is this? Heavy drops landed on the skin, not covered my clothes. The drops burned as they hit her skin, and she hissed, trying to cool the burns.

Suddenly a pair of child hands was placed on the end of her back, making her flinch. A drop of sweat strolled down her neck as she slowly turned around, only to be met by the smiling child. She whined out in fear when she saw the little boy's face. Half of the face's skin was missing and blood covered his white shirt.

"It was nice to see you again, Lucy-nee-san," he beamed, smiling even wider, which looked creepy, because of the mission face. "Come back again, okay?" And then he jumped forwards - ready to kill.

Lucy sat up with a cry, panting heavily. Her heart was beating like crazy. What was that? She rubbed her eyes, glancing over at the red clock standing on the table besides her bed. 6:30 AM. Deciding that it was to early to wake up, she laid back down. Her bed felt weirdly uncomfortable, so she turned around, to see what all of this was about, only to be met by a grinning salmon haired Dragon Slayer.

"Kyaa!" Lucy shrieked, pushing herself away from him. With a bump, she fell to the ground, landing on the yellow carpet. "Ouch..."

"Kahaha!" Natsu laughed, sitting up in the bed, holding on his stomach. Lucy sent him a death glare, making him jump out of the bed, extending a hand towards Lucy, which she immediately took.

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