I watch as the new boy, whose name I did not yet know, clamber up the bus stairs. Uninterested, I return my gaze out the window to watch the ever changing clouds.
"Hey." A voice snaps me out of my daze.
I turn to find the new boy focusing on me.
"Where were you yesterday?" I demand, completely aware of how rude I sounded.
"My sister was sick." He explains rather vaguely. "You're in my English class right?" He asks hesitantly.
I narrow my eyes at him.
"How does me being in your English class have anything to do with your sister being sick?" I ask, my tone still harsher than it needed to be.
"They did tell me not to talk to the wacko." He mumbles under his breath, but not quietly enough. And it hurt.
"Because I missed the notes and I was hoping I could copy yours." he spoke louder than seconds prior.
I didn't reply, I just pull the notes out of my school bag and shove them in his hands.
"Sorry." I say curtly as the bus pulls into the school.
"For what?" He asks confused. "You're letting me borrow your notes."
"For being a wacko." And I push past him as walls of tears were beginning to build on my eyes.
Hello Stranger,
How y'all doing?

The Bus Bay's Secret
Short StoryRosie and Hugo meet online and in real life. Is this meeting just a coincidence or is it fate? In which a bus bay has a secret.