"Hey." Bus boy says as he sits down beside me.
I looked up from my phone which I was using to read on Wattpad. I was finally beginning to use Wattpad again, but only for reading purposes.
"Hey." I reply, before looking back down and being suck back into the Drarry fanfic I was reading.
"What are you reading?" Bus boy asks.
"A Drarry fanfic."
Bus boy groans. "You're a fangirl aren't you?"
I grin at him and nod.
"What platform?" he asks.
"Wattpad." I reply without hesitation.
"You have Wattpad?" He asks with surprise
"Yeah, do you?"
"I may or may not be a fanboy. What's your username?" He asks.
"Sarcastic, underscore, bunnies. You?" I reply without looking up from my fan fiction.
"Rosie." Bus boy says.
"That's my name don't wear it out." I mutter to him, distracted as Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were about to kiss for the first time.
"You wrote the Escaping Series." He says as the bus pulls into school.
I slowly look up at him.
"Yes." I mutter quietly.
He pulls me into a hug.
"I'm sorry." was all he says before he departs the bus.
Hello Stranger,
Dun, Dun, Dun.

The Bus Bay's Secret
Short StoryRosie and Hugo meet online and in real life. Is this meeting just a coincidence or is it fate? In which a bus bay has a secret.