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I woke up in the morning with my chest stinging and got ready for work. I slipped on bell bottom jeans and a blouse. My chest hurt so bad I changed into a V neck. Who made coffee that hot?

I looked into the mirror and saw a red mark placed in the middle of my breasts, or sternum and I winced at the sight. I squeezed gel on my hand and rub it into the wound.

I held back tears as I massaged the treatment into it and placed a patch on it.

"Damn this new job, damn damn damn." I cursed grabbing my purse and walked out the door. I would quit, but I send money to my family when I get the chance since they're both retired. If I had any other job I wouldn't be able to do that.

I came into the building and heard giggling. I rolled my eyes with anger bubbling in me.

" faire foutre." I muttered walking.

"No one wants you here." One of the girls behind me said.

"How are you even back here?" The girl who initially bumped into me started to approach me. I wasn't really in the mood for it. She looked down at my burn and smiled crazily. " Awe, the poor thing got a burn, maybe he felt sorry for you." She faked sympathy.
"Let me tell you this. I want you fired so I can take your office, so he gets a front view of me, not some intern." I rolled my eyes and clearly she didn't expect that.

She stood a few inches taller than me counting our heels. Her brunette hair is up in a neat bun placed on top of her hair. I was tempted to just rip it out. She was pretty Don't get me wrong, but her personality was horrible.

"You got a problem?" She glared harder at me taking another step close.

"Yes, you're a pute." There was a pause before she spoke again. "I don't speak gibberish." She rolled her eyes and snickered. "A bitch." Her gasp was enough for me to keep going. " Mr. Valerian doesn't even look twice at you, or any of us. What makes you so special, or my office? You'll just keep embarrassing yourself." I rolled my eyes again then brushed passed her.

"Your eyelash fell off by the way."I called from behind me as I continued. I heard a small screamed and evilly chuckled down the hall.

I got into the elevator and pressed the top floor button. I basked in my self accomplishment the whole elevator ride happily. The elevator stopped suddenly and the door opened and in came Mr. Valerian. His whole aura dampened my mood. He stiffly stood there, not a muscle on his bones were relaxed. It was like he was on high alert every twenty four hours .

Silence drowned us in the elevator and I stood there wanting out of there, fast. I started to feel his hot gaze wonder over me and I silently gulped in anticipation.

What did I do this time.

"Why do you have a v neck on?" He lowly said. I turned to look at him and he's still facing the doors. My eyes flicked down to my collar then back up. My self confidence immediately deflated once he spoke.

"Because I don't want my shirt to mess with my injury." I explained. I tried to drown out my accent since he made me insecure about my first language. Usually I would not care, but my job could be on the line.

"After that burn heals, you aren't allowed to wear any low riding neck lines, do I make myself clear." The receptionist had her whole boobs out and I get chewed out about the shortest neck there is.


"No, just yes sir."

"Yes sir." It wasn't fair. I unconsciously pulled my neck line down a smidge to expose more of the burn since it was continuously rubbing against it then sighed.

I tilted my head up at the ceiling trying not to have a fit. Hands brushed against my chest and I sucked in a breath. What the- .

They tugged up my shirt carefully to my collar bone. I looked at the hands that were still on my shirt. My eyes followed the masculine hands to their mean owner. My eyes met cold blue ones that held little to none emotion except for annoyance. His eyes turned to slits as a warning.

We walked out the elevator and suddenly he stopped in the middle of the hall, making me stumble back to avoid bumping into him. He turned around looking down at my short frame then looked at me cynically.

"You know, I want my coffee, now." My eyes slightly twitched in annoyance, holding back my tongue I stretched out a fake smile and I nodded turning back around.

Took me thirty minutes to get there and back since I was driving like a mad woman saying many profanities along the way.

Today I got a top for the damn hot coffee. Just thinking about the incident made my burn throb. I entered the terrible building and I searched around skeptically for anyone who wanted to cause me more harm.

Getting to his office I knocked on the sleek door.

"Open." I rolled my eyes and entered the office.

"Your coffee sir." He didn't even glance at me. I sighed and put it on the corner of his desk and walked back to my office without a word. I slumped into my seat ready to start my actual job.

It's been about two hours of me emailing and filing papers til I got a knock on my door.

I looked up to see Val stroll into my office. I looked down at his outfit to see him sporting a grey button shirt with a black vest on top paired with some black slacks. These people dress too nice.

"How ya be." He asked plopping into one of the seats in front of me. I shrugged typing a response to a email and pressing send.

"I feel like cooked chicken but besides that I'm good." I glanced at his slumped form and smiled.

"Well, I'm on break you wanna join?" I glanced down at my watch. It's around my lunch break.

"Oui, that be cool." I got up and grab my phone Incase my boss called me.

"Oui is yes right?" I laughed and nodded. We made our way to the elevator with Val arms slung over my shoulder.

I felt eyes on me but everyone is neck deep in paperwork, so I don't know why I had this feeling. My eyes silently scanned the office while walking and my head turned back to look at his office. My head switched back to the front and I rolled my eyes dismissively. Pigs would fly if he ever did stare. Only thing he could stare all day long at is his laptop.

Val and I both went to a remote cafe not too far from our job. Unlike where Mr. Valerian wants me to drive every day.

Even tho I figured, Val is a nice guy. He's not that  much older than me being 26. Through the lunch break he told me he's from Illinois and moved here because his family had a drug problem and he didn't want that for himself. My respect inflated when his story went on. Although he's cool, He pushes boundaries a lot, especially with the rules in the office. Contrasting from that though, he's too goofy for his own good. As we laughed and talked about whatever I looked over his silly form and smiled

I think I have a friend.

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