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He followed my finger to the glowing tablet then looked back at me.
"Security cameras." He rolled his eyes and continued to work. I moved my jaw back and forth then shuffled towards the tablet.

I hovered over the thing and skimmed over all the different recordings of each angle.

Control freak.

I spotted the hallway  then curiously tapped on it. Selections of countless videos popped up and my eyes widened. I scrolled through the feed and clicked a random one. I spotted two women near Liam's office fixing their shirts and pushing up their boobs before passing his office giggling at each other. I chuckled and shook my my head.

"Mom dieu, why do you have so many camera feeds?" I scrolled down countless camera recordings, astonished at how many he still had.

"It's none of your concern, but I like to see what my employees are doing." I naturally rolled my eyes at his answer that I shouldn't be too surprised with.
I scrolled more and found my office with the time stamp of when all of us were talking. I clicked on it and the video blew up.

Two options were there. Delete and save. It was now or never.

I hurriedly clicked delete to get rid of the embarrassing video. My expression quickly went blank. A damn passcode to delete it, I knew it had to be a joke.

I tapped my foot frustratingly. I didn't know nothing personal about Liam how the hell could I figure it out. I tried multiple combinations until it auto locked and wouldn't let me try any more. I inwardly groaned and gave up.

"Sorry, you won't be able to delete that video of you and your friends chatting." I spun around to a rare devilish look formed on his face as he raised his hand with a phone in it. I gulped and saw the clip of us talking and me admitting I didn't do shit.

"You really think I wouldn't be looking at your camera while you were out?" He questioned taunting me with his phone. He slid his finger across the screen and a section played.

"Eat you alive, huh?"  Embarrassment flooded across my face when he quoted Lilah.

"I can't say, we're not actually dating, so.-" I absentmindedly rubbed the back of my neck. " Kind of a awkward situation for me." His slightly amused eyes roamed over my face then shrugged.

"Next time don't put yourself in that situation." I stayed silent still embarrassed. My lesson was learned. "Interesting on how I'll be your first kiss." He added as I sunk into the couch. My eyebrows raised in surprise then I scoffed.

"What makes you think that?" I snorted opening up my laptop. I started to click through his emails responding to them as I go.

"Well at our wedding, you are going to have to kiss me, that's what makes me think that." My hand froze on my mouse pad. I glanced at him still focused on his computer, the light from it him glowing onto his face. I glimpsed at his lips for a moment and my head dropped to the side. Would it be bad though, they look moisturi-. That's unimportant. I mentally scolded myself then went back to work.

"What if I kissed anoth-" I was cut off by his sharp tone.

"That isn't going to happen." His voice and gaze icy.

"Woah, I was just joking." I countered.
"When even is the wedding, we are not even engaged yet." I didn't even know my own wedding date.

"The news probably spreaded by now about us dating, so about another month or so. That means I have to propose soon." My eyes rose in shock.

"A month." I had to make sure.

"Did you not hear me the first time, yes a month." I've been working for only two months. Now I was getting married to my boss.

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