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I spent my Saturday eating junk food with Val and Lilah at my house. After I told them everything they were so caught up that he liked me. My thoughts were that he was just a jerk. . I feel like he hates my guts and just wants to make me miserable, sometimes.

They had left a couple hours later. I was soundly asleep until my phone rang continuously everyone I unconsciously hung up the phone, it would ring again. I screamed into my pillow then answered the phone. I didn't even look at the caller ID and answered the phone.

"Je." I grumbled into the phone.

"Ms. Travers," I immediately sat up, my drowsiness vanished. Clearing my voice so I don't sound like a tortured grenouille.

"Do you know it's," I glanced at my alarm clock and my eyes widen. "Four am on a Sunday morning."

"I need you to come over." He spoke through the phone. Before I could ask "no questions, come over Barack street drive 5585." He hung up before I could get another word in. Barack drive is basically the Beverly Hills here.

"Con." I muttered and threw my covers off me and stumbled into the bathroom. It's way too early for this. I should be in a peaceful sleep.

"Con, con." I said as I slid on some skinny jeans and a black camisole. I slid into Birkenstock's and left the house. The hell he wants with me? At four in the morning. I went through a drive thru and ordered a large ice coffee double shot espresso so I have the energy to beat my boss up if he made me come for a stupid reason.

What his he doing at four in the morning? Is he maybe drunk and think I need to file some reports. If that's the case I'm definitely beating him up.

I parked in a circular driveway, outside a house bigger than my entire apartment building. I tried not to stare as I stepped out the car with my mouth hung open. His house is huge for no reason. I shuffled towards the mansion coffee in hand. I rung the golden doorbell and took a closer look at the doorbell to see if it's actually gold, which it probably is. The is the definition of hard work pays off. The door swung open while I am still looking at the doorbell.

I straighten up and sip my coffee as I took in Mr. Valerian outfit. Navy blue gucci shirt and light washed jeans. Have to be honest, he looks good in some causal clothes.

"You wanted to see me Mr-" He cut me off with the weirdest sentence that would ever come out his mouth.

"Hey honey I'm glad you could make it" he smiled, that slightly scared me. Don't get me wrong, his smile is gorgeous. Straight, pearly white teeth, but my boss never smiles. His mouth is always straight now twitch or anything. When he does smile, it's with bad intentions. So him smiling, scared me.

He pulled me into the house and snaked a arm around my waist. I felt him lean in and whisper.

"Go along with it, I'll explain when they leave." I breathe in and look to the side to see people. He should've hired a actress, I sucked at pretending.

"Bon sang." I sighed. I look into his dark blue eyes and gave him smile. He gave me a closed lipped smiling seeing me agree.

"Mother this is Azalea, my girlfriend." I go stiff in his arms, he slightly squeezed me to relax. He's actually going though with my plan I suggested Friday, I didn't mean with me though. This is when I knew I should've kept my mouth shut.

I scanned over the older woman concluding it was his mother, due to similar features. His mother was all around beautiful but her beady eyes ruined it. Why do these pretty people be so ugly.

"So you do have one. Or this is aset up, it must be. You just don't want to marry Putnam's daughter." She accused him which was actually spot on. If I wanted to keep my job or my life I had to play through this.

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