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Present day

"Ow he's kicking." I grumble, rubbing the pained spot.

"Really." I bend my head back to see my husband walk closer. This time the marriage authentic. We renewed our vows this time my parents with us and less people since it didn't have to be so flashy. I even invited my sister and Daniel, but my sister never showed. She dropped off the map again and I came to the conclusion that she just isn't a good person. Daniel, however came, and apologized a thousand times over. Vince didn't want to forgive, but I told him he was going to have to earn it back.

Vince's father, hilarious during the reception. Still drunk like last time, but I found it amusing this time around since his and Vince's sister comments bounced off each other.

"Oh I thought you were in the kitchen."

"No, came back from the gym." He took the towel that is  laid across his shoulder and wiped his forehead. "How's little Jasper doing?" I smile widely and was about to respond but then heard the subtle creaking sound echo through the long hallway.

"The Uncle and Aunt are present." She sings. Lilah and Val skips through the hallway, which they became accustomed to over the year. "How's our Jasper?" She coos, scooting closer towards me.

My gaze shifts down to the little puppy in my lap sleeping quietly. I rub his belly as he wiggles deeper into the crook of my thighs. "He's sleep." I say softly. We all watch him closely as he wakes up from his slumber.

I couldn't understand how Vince lives by himself in this place. Even with him it felt empty and we needed some spunk. So I suggested getting a dog, which he immediately shot down. After a few weeks of constant nagging, he caved in and we got a month old German Shepard.

"He's just the cutest." Val whispers. We all nod in agreement, even Vince.

"I'm thinking about taking him to Vince and Az's to for some company.

"Oh yeah how's your new coffee shop going anyway." Lilah nudged me with a big grin. My eyes brighten at the question and my smile becomes even bigger.

"It's going great! We have a lot of customers come in, I think it has something to do with you guy's karaoke idea for the second floor." They wave it off, Lilah having a slight blush.

"No it's probably your coffee. It's delicious.

"It better be, she has enough fundings to make it taste good." I roll my eyes at his snarky comment.

"Oh shut up and just say it's good."

After working at Phillips for a couple months the idea of making my own coffee business was shot towards me by Mrs. Walker herself. I knew it wasn't a bad idea since I had a husband who was a expert in the department of business and I was in deep love with pastries and coffee.

Couple months of planning and building, Az and Vince was created. Vince and I have no creativity with names, so we picked the most obvious one. It was a basic name, but we weren't complaining. It's a safe place with two stories, top floor more upbeat and energetic, while first floor is quiet and relaxing. We put in soundproof padding for the sake of the people downstairs. 

I mostly take care of everything, since Vince still has his company to run, although he does throw in a tip or two when needed.

My brows furrowed when Jasper nudged my stomach with his nose. I giggle as I gently push his head back.

"What are you doing" I laugh. He tried to do it again and I giggle even more. Two dips in the couch came from each of my side, casing me to shake.

"Oh- my god." Val gasped. "You know dogs have that intuition." My eyebrows went even closer together as I frowned.

"What are you talking about?" I held Jasper up. "What are they talking about Jaspy." I coo slighty wiggling him.

"You're pregnant." I froze and slowly tick my head back to Vince who stood in the same spot he was. He crosses his arms, his face blank, but excitement danced in his eyes. He really believes that. I set Jasper back down into my lap then sighed.

"I- that's just a saying." My head went down to my stomach and then I softly poke it.

"We'll be back." I look to both of my sides to see both of them disappeared.

"Where are you guys going?!" I yell to there backs as they retreat.

"To go get you five tests." My lips go into a straight line once I see Jasper in Val's hand.

"He took my dog."



Im sitting on the toilet crouching over the fifth test that was on the bathroom counter with Lilah. We both blink at the two red stripes. The fifth time we saw the same results, it's confirmed.

"Knowing how much a prude you are, I really thought I'd get knocked up first." She says after a couple second of silence.

"For once, I agree with you." My eyes drift over to the pile of pregnancy tests. "Well my parents got there wish." I mumble. Butterfly's scattered through my stomach. I can't believe it. I have a little person in my stomach, who might look like me, or Vince, or even both of us.

We walk out of the bathroom and I have the handful of tests in my hands

"I'm preggers." I say with jazz hands, shaking the pregnancy tests.

"So I'm going to be a father?" He said breathlessly.

"No, the baby isn't yours." I jokingly look away shamefully. I look back to him and my eyes pop open.

The biggest smile is on his face, a genuine one, showing his pearly set. The excitement that was once in his eyes spread to his face. I've never seen this much emotion from him, only when he's upset or angry.

He struts towards me and picks me up. I Yelp as he twirls around then let out a laugh as he did. "You're pregnant Az!" He sets me down and squishes my face. "We- we have to get the nursery ready and- clothes, oh the clothes."

"Slow down amor, they're not going to pop out tomorrow." I laugh. He lands a sloppy kiss in my forehead and I smile.

"Wow, Lilah, we are going to be actual uncles and aunts."

"Oh the corruption." Lilah evilly says rubbing her hands together. They both laugh and I scoot over to them. They thought I was going to scold them, but then I joined in.

"Oh the things we could teach them." I add. Their grins widen as mine appear.

"You guys are evil."  Vince mumbles under his breath as he shoves his hands into his sweatpants.

"I know it's early but got any ideas for baby names?" Lilah asks. My lips part at the thought and turn to Vince who had the same expression.

"Shit." We both say.

And- scene. This is my first story I ever finished. It surreal and gave me so much serotonin when I wrote at some points. I'm going to miss writing this book so much ;.;. Good news is I'm writing a book similar to this one- so if you want something around the same genre go check it out.

Ima miss you guys *kisses*


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