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I shuffled into the cafe that I grew accustomed to and now proudly work at. It was my first day and I couldn't be more excited. It eased up the constant thinking of my sister and I appreciated that. I've always loved coffee, I grew up with it. The bitter like aroma that wafted through the air when it's freshly brewed is phenomenal.

I stepped into the cafe and was greeted by Mrs. Walker. She dusted off her hands on her apron and looked back up to me with a smile. She had creamer stain all over her apron, since the place was a little understaffed. Mrs. Walker loved her cafe and was a very hard working woman who I respected.

"Hey sweetheart, ready for your first day?" She rested her hands on her hips waiting for me to answer. My eyes wandered around the whole cafe before landing back on her. A small smile lifted into my face and I nodded excitedly. She let off a soft laugh before gesturing me around the counter. "Over here."

I followed behind her as she led us to the various coffee makers. I almost felt like I was a candy in a baby stor- I mean a baby and a candy store. I rubbed my hands together with anticipation then flicked my eyes to Mrs. Walker. She shuffled closer to the expresso machine and lightly placed her hand on it. She looked like mother next to the coffee machine. I couldn't tell how much she loved it until that very moment. I had to keep in my laugh as she motherly looks at it.

"First lesson, I want you to try and make an expresso, it may not be easy to make but I'm sure you'll-." I embarrassingly didn't let her finish as I quickly began to make the expresso. I could feel the slight surprise radiating off of her as I closed the coffee part and pressed a couple of buttons before letting it brew. I turned to her with a big grin plastered on my face. When the tiny serving of coffee with a big punch was done, I carefully to it and held it out to her.

"I learned how to make this when I was in first grade." I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders, trying to play it off. My parents were a little off when trying to raise me, that's most likely the reason as to why I'm like this.

"Well I be damned- an americano?"

"Hm," I hummed before quickly fixing the drink.

"Wow- Azlea, I guess I'll show you how to work the cash register and then I'll let you go, darling." She gave a quick, but informative explanation on the cash register as I nodded after every word. "Got it?" I lifted up both of my thumbs with a toothy smile.

She turned around and picked up an apron from the hook, turning back around to me she held it out for me to see. It was a plain black apron, but had my name etched into the left side in cursive with the French flag next to it.

"Awe, you didn't have to." I cooed lightly taking the apron. I ran my fingers across the stitched words then shifted my eyes back up to her. She too had a bright smile and she tok tied her head to the side.

"Of course I did sweetheart, I like you." I frowned and gave a a quick hug before slipping on the apron.

"Now let's get to work." I clapped.



It had been about two hours since I got to work. It's been a steady pace, luckily haven't messed up an order, yet. It's been about 15 since I took an order, so I aimlessly pressed numbers on the cashier. A presence floated in front of me.y gaze flicked up to the new oncoming customer who was a male around my age.

I smiled at him, discreetly attempting to erase the random stuff off of the register.

"Hi how can I help you?" I asked. His attention went down to the register then back up to me before a smile stretched across his face.

"I see you were bored." I laughed nervously before pressing cancel a couple more times. I took in the man's face. He was blonde, with brown eyes. He seemed a little taller than me, 5'8. He wore a plain blue t-shirt and some kaki pants.

"My apologies." I said. "So what can I get for you?"

"Aren't you Azalea Valerian?" I sigh averting my gaze somewhere else.

"Yes." I confirmed. His brown eyes searched over mine, causing me to frown a little.

"Why are you working here?" He leaned up in the counter.

"Different scenery." I shrugged. His smile grew as I pursed my lips and looked around.

"I can give you a different scenery." My frowned deepened and I was slightly confused. I could figure if he was trying to mess with me or not. That was until I saw the seriousness in his face.

"I-uh- you know I'm married?" I said, growing uncomfortable.

"Oh come on don't tell me Liam Valerian doesn't have a mistress." My jaw dropped at what he said, shocked he would even say that to me. I was speechless trying to find words. His smile formed into a smirk. Now I knew Liam was a eligible bachelor, but would people really think he oils have a mistress even if married.


"I don't even though it's none of your damn business." My eyes snapped to Vince who stood threateningly over the man. The man turned halfway around and shriveled back seeing Vince's height. "And if I ever see you talk to my wife like that again, you'll be on the streets the next day, now leave." Again, his calmness was even more frightening. I noticed the man had a slight tremble in his legs and I softly hummed.

"I-am so-"

"Leave." He boomed which caused the whole cafe to stop. It was like a person grabbed a remote and pressed pause on it.

The man stumbled to the door and everyone watched he run to his car, tripping on his feet. I clicked my tongue watching him drive off as everyone else continued, apparently used to Vince's behavior.

"Merde." My gaze drifted up to my boyfriend. "Hello to you too." He gave me 'the look' and I rolled my eyes.

"I could've handled that." I said, beginning to fix his coffee.

"I-no." He mocked as he watched me closely.

"I was going to get there, just had to get my words together." I pushed the cap onto the he coffee cup and slid him the cup. "Here's you latte." He grabbed the cup making the large coffee look as if it was a small.

"That man would t have left you alone. He was trying to be your little side hoe." I bursted out laughing as the word 'side hoe' came out of the giants mouth.

"Mon dieu, don't ever say that again, amor." I wiped off a tear from my cheek that slipped down from my laughing.

"Shut up before I make you a house wife like I promised."

"You don't have that power." I teased sticking out my tongue. I had a big smile while Vince had none at all, but I could see it in his eyes.

"You want to bet?" He raised his eyebrow before leaning over the counter to whisper something me. My face heated up at the words that came out of his filthy mouth. I blinked a couple of time flustered and bothered. He then maneuvered his face to be in front of mine before landing a small kiss. He straightened back up with an actual smile on his face.

"I'll see you later." I stood there frozen as my eyes followed him walking out of the door. That sentence would keep me occupied for days.

I heard footsteps behind me to see Mrs. Walker. She came into my line of vision, watching him leave. Mrs. Walker frowned as she threw up her silver hair into a pony tail. "That joker didn't even say high to me. What did he say to you?" I shook my head, wiping my hand across my face.

"You don't wanna know, Cherie." I mumbled, absently going back to work.

Wanna know what he said? Comment what you think he said and maybe find out in the next update ;)

- Z

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