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I stepped into the office building, crickets chirping in the background filling the silent night. The place vacant due to the late time it was.

I drew out a breath, exhausted from the long hours at the coffee shop. Mrs. Walker worked me like I was her bitch, which technically I was. Throughout my lifetime I haven't done, actual work, besides sitting at a desk and letting my brain do all the work. My body wasn't it used to it and it took a toll on me.

"Merde," I lazily presses the elevator button that would take me to Vincent. "If he sees me like this it would be like a 'I told you so'." I sighed before stepping into the shaft. Although I enjoyed making coffee for others and seeing the smile on their faces when the take a sip. When my shift was over I had the sudden urge to pass out right there on the floor.

"Im so tired." I whined as the doors open. I blinked when I noticed Vince standing there with his work bag in his left and his right hand stuffed into his pocket. My eyes shifted to his disheveled hair. He seemed to ruffle out his hair, breaking the perfect style creating a more messily due, which I found more attractive. But I was to tired to reminisce in his attractiveness.

His thick eyebrow rose up, most likely catching what I said.

"You what?" He asked inquisitively. I watched closely as he stepped into the elevator with me. His stormy eyes stared down at me teasingly.

"I didn't say anything." I countered, flicking my gaze to the shutting doors. "You made me come up here just to see you leave." I averted the subject not wanting his mocking 'I told you so' because it is more annoying than when he was a dick to me.

"Im sorry sweetheart, am I bothering you?" I pursed my lips at his indication. "It must be hard you look so exhausted." I took a deep breath in before closing my eyes.

"I'll give you five seconds to shut up before I make you." I threatened rubbing my forehead soothingly. I heard a small huff coming from Vince.

"Are you threatening me?" The doors open and I hurriedly stepped out, before I could step out all the way he pulled me back in. His hand reached past me to the emergency stop button. "I'm not done talking with you." Vince's hands slithered across mentirse and palmed the metal doors trapping me. He crouched down to my level with challenging eyes, which I was ready for.

"Look," I stretched a smile across my face. "If you don't release us from this elevator, I will take your man purse, and slap you with it repeatedly." I lightly pushed him back and turned back tot he doors.

"Rude." He grumbled pulling the button. The elevator jerked before the doors slid open. Again, before I could leave the compartment a hard force came across my behind and the a stinging pain followed behind it. My jaw dropped and I glared at the retreating man who almost looked like he was running away.

"You-" I softly ran my hand across my pained buttocks. "Ass!" I yelled following him in pursuit.



I got up out of the car and glared at Vince as he soothed his head, muttering things in German, luckily for him I couldn't understand.

We entered the house and I sighed, being able to smell the refreshing homey scent I've become accustomed to. I quickly shuffled over to the huge couch and dropped dead onto it, letting the soft cushions consume me. My drowsiness helped me drift off into the sleep I've been eating for. Not even a second of peaceful bliss could go by, I was picked up into Vince's arms.

"Que." I groaned. "Come on the couch was comfortable." I complained watching the couch become farther and farther away.

"Remember what I said in the coffee shop, I'm a man of my word, Az." The sleepiness that I was drowning in soon dispersed as I remembered. I soon started struggling in his grip, wanting to crear a much needed distance between us.

"Oh, no no, I thought you were lying, I don't wanna." I whimpered. "Besides I'm tired, see I admitted, let me sleep please!" His grip was as if I was shackled to him. My heart raced thinking of it, my esteem not letting do that.

"It will be nice and relaxing." I let out a short laugh, before looking at him.

"Funny, you're funny. What you said wasn't relaxing, at all you stupid." I poked his face and he feigned biting my finger.

"I have a slight change of plans. Since you're so tired." He teased. He walked up the stairs and into the bedroom. "It'll be fine." He closed the door to our room.



"I hate you." I sighed sliding further into the bath. The warmth surrounded me like a comforting, watery blanket. The bubbles covered all of my bits.

"For what?" I pulled down the newspaper he was reading in a chair he brought into the bathroom.

"I knew you lied-" I shaped my shampooed hair into a cone shape and smiled. "But Im glad."

"I have plans, just not now, you need to marinate." I bellowed out a laugh at how he explained it. He's been less punctual as more time passes by. And for me that was a big step on his part. I didn't care is he was punctual or not, as long as he was being himself.

"And what's up with the newspaper?" I turned my head to the a paper and read the from head line. I soon teamed up seeing the picture and title.

His eyes peaked over the paper again. Vince's eyebrows drew together with confusion.

"What?" He turned the paper over. Me eyes went straight ahead to the giant mirror and looked at my cone head. I huffed and dipped my head underwater stripping the shampoo out of my hair. When I came back up I noticed him watching me with slight anger. It wasn't towards me, but for something else and I had a good idea what.

"I hate fucking paparazzi." His mood suddenly dampening. He crumpled up the newspaper and threw it across the room. The news paper showed Adeline walking to god knows where with the headline, Azlea's has competition, with her own sister? I clenched my jaw but then released, remembering I need not to worry, because she is a bitch. I heard a distracted groan and I flicked my gaze over to him.

His head was in his hands as he let out a long sigh. I scooter over closer to the side of the tub and held my hand lightly against his own. Vince's head lifted up his eyes showed frustration and anguish. I a gave a small smile, knowing this tears him apart.

The relationship we had seemed perfect to me, but I soon realized I pushed tot he side the kinks that one day would need to be worked out, or this whole thing could fall apart.

"It's all right, Vince. I get it." He moved his hands around mine, engulfing them.

"I know." He assured. A comfortable silence waved through us as we looked at each other. We've been through a lot, at one point I couldn't stand him and I felt like it was mutual, but more extreme.

"Can I see you naked now?" I slowly blinked at what just came out of his mouth. My lips went into a straight line. I held back the urge to slap him.

"Why- would you say that." I said through my teeth.

"I've never seen you naked. You're in a tub, naked right now. Kind of strange how I can't see you. All  you have to do is stand up and get it over with. I'll strip if you want." Vince looked completely serious and that was what I was afraid of. He let go of my hand and began to unbottom His dress shirt. He scooted back knowing I was about to hit him as he continued to unbutton his short. His expression still blank.

I picked up the bar and soap and hurled at him which he swiftly dodged.

"Out now, you pervert!" I pointed towards the door as I went to through something else.

"I'm your husband Azalea. Just flash me." I scoffed and threw my shampoo bottle as he retreated of the room.

"Ugh, pute."

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