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I stiffly sat up from the make shift bed on jet. It wasn't too long of a flight, but I was tired from all the traveling. I was still trying to shake the sleepiness that stayed with me as I woke up from what seemed like a quick nap since e this flight was quick.

"Isn't this bed supposed to be comfortable?" I groaned stretching my muscles to relax them. I looked up to a shirtless Vincent as he shrugged on a button up, he continued to button is up so I fell back into the bed ready to sleep once again.

"We're in France." My eyes popped open immediately and I snatched my bag from beside me and was in front of the door in five seconds. I looked out the small window, smooshing my face against staring at awe at the beautiful French city of Paris. My eyes automatically lit up at the sigh of it.

"Enfin mon pays d'origine!" I squealed as the door opened for us to exit. I skipped steps down the jet, almost tripping halfway down. I thanked the people along the way as I took in the view.

"Careful, we don't need you to break a bone." Vince muttered behind me. I spun around with a huge grin plastered onto my face.

"Can you believe it?" I sighed basking in the sunlight. " My feet are on French ground." I jumped around happily.

"Yes I can, now let's get to our hotel and check in." I huffed looking up at a squinting Vincent. His eyes flicked down to me, the color of his eyes looking brighter due to the sun. Are staring broke when he began to walk to the awaiting car passing me along the way. I watched his retreating form for a moment before following shortly behind.

I climbed into the car with him and sat in my seat. I looked out the heavily tinted window, watching all the French culture pass by. I was ecstatic I was in France after so long. Before the airplane gotten up off the ground, I texted my parents that I was coming home. I was excited to see my parents again and excited seeing of what I had missed for those many years. I didn't know when exactly we were going to see them but I was content with it because I knew it wasn't going to be too long.

We drove down the busy streets of Paris until the car came to a abrupt stop. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I looked over to Vincent.

"This is our hotel?" I looked back at the maroon vintage apartments. I wasn't upset, but I was surprised that he chose a place like it given his luxurious life style.

"Follow me." His short command left me even more confused as I exited out of the car. We walked into the cute little lobby and a man stood waiting for us to arrive. Once we caught his attention he quietly led us up some stairs.

"What about our bags?" I asked nudging Vincent. He turned his attention to me then went back ahead of us.

"Don't worry about those." I frowned, but didn't say anything further. As we walked to a painted red door with a number 52 nailed onto it. Instead of unlocking and opening it, Vincent knocked.

"Uh-" I was stopped as my parents opened the door. My breathing halted as I took in their middled aged frames.they both still looked the same as when they left. I always looked like a exact replica of my mother, with her wild hair, but I had my fathers eyes.

"M-maman et Papa?" I choked as they smiled then opened their arms. I crashed into them as the both gave me the tightest hug.

"Ma Jolie fille." My mom sighed hugging me tighter. I turned my head in their embrace to the awakened standing Vince. He didn't know whether to look at us or not. Though his eyes drifted back to me as he caught me staring.

"Thank you." I mouthed as a tear slipped down my cheek. He stiffly nodded with a faint smile softly placed in his lips.

We finally separated from each other and they invited us both in. Their apartment wasn't big, but wasn't too small. They kept it short and basic with not too much decorating.

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