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I grunted when the room shook. I rolled over and felt something hard under half of my body. It rumbled and I frowned.

I opened one eye then saw the hard object that was the lower torso of Liam. I craned my neck up to see him already staring down at me.

"Why are you on me?" A small smile formed on his lips. I pressed my lips together as a reply. I proceeded to roll on top of him. He groaned receiving all of my weight I put on top of him. I kept rolling over him gingerly dropping into crevice of him and the back part of the coach. I sighed in content feeling more comfortable than ever.

"This is nice, this is great." I said muffled. The body heat given off of Liam disappeared as he got up. "No, dude!" I groaned rolling over to face his standing form. He slipped back on his shoes glancing down at his watch.

"We slept for the five hours. The plane just landed." He said fixing his shirt and jeans. "Now time to get up."

"I'm going to take Barcelona by storm." I grumbled sitting up.

"Not if you sit there, get up and let's go." I grumpily kicked my legs over the bed to stand up. I took my book bag from the back then walked to the door. The only countries I've been to is France and the united states. I've only been to France once, sadly. Knowing I'm going to many more, is mind blowing.

The door opened and my eyes instinctively squinted when the sun shown through the door.

"Hey, Liam take a picture of me." I asked handing him my phone. He stared at my phone then took it. Suddenly he handed it to the person who stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Take our picture." He walked back up to the stairs to me. I pursed my lips at his somewhat rude action. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close giving me a whiff of his cologne he sported. I rolled my eyes then wrapped my arms around his torso then smiled into the camera. The man handed back my phone and I thanked him. The pictures consisted of me smiling like a fool, while Liam has the tiniest smile. You could barely notice it.

"Where's your smile?" I pointed down to the picture as we made our way down the jet's stairs, walking to the black suv.

"I don't smile in pictures." He quipped opening the door for me to get in. I gave him a pointed look then climbed into the car.

I was conflicted on whether I should post his depressing ass or not. I rolled my eyes going to social media.

"How am I going to caption this? You're in it." I frowned. My thumbs hovered over the keyboard displayed on my phone.

"I dont know, business trip?" I gave him a distasteful look.

"How about a sun emoji, with Barcelona." I typed out the caption the pressed post. I hummed happily gazing out the window. The beautiful streets zoomed by as we drove to our hotel.

"This place is beau." I told myself. We drove all the way to our hotel and my jaw dropped. I slid out the car in awe. The hotel is a private one so no one who isn't supposed to be on the property, Will get kicked off.

"Oh my god." I tightened my grip around the strap of my carry on. It was just huge and expensive looking. We'll be staying in the same hotel in each country so, if the room is magnificent I'll still get the same feeling through out the travel. I squealed in excitement ready to run in.

"Right this way." A man in a suit with slicked back silver hair addressed us. He had a heavy a spanish accent. We followed him into the gigantic main area through the golden halls to the elevator. He pressed the 16th floor and I watched the buttons light up every floor we ascended to. My anxiousness increased every floor.

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