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"Marry me." I stood blank faced at the top of the Eiffel Tower with Vincent kneeling down with a ring placed in the middle of his palm. We decided to come and tour at night since it lit up beautiful around the time. I wasn't expecting him to be kneeled down with a big rock laid in his hand.

I face palmed myself slowly running my hand down my face.

"I hate you." I shortly said while glaring at him. His eyes flickered over my face then a smirk stretched across his own.

"I know." He then proceeded to stand up and slide the ring onto my finger. I heard a buzzing sound that came from Vince.

"Hold on." He took his phone out of his back pocket then answered it. He went over to the other side of the tower out of ear shot. He was a few minutes out before he came back. I noticed a little mood change, but I guess it was just work.

"Aren't we already engaged." I muttered twisting around the ring on my finger.

"Yes, but I wanted them to see it." He pointed his thumb down to the photographers rapidly taking pictures of the staged event that it going on right now "And the wedding is tomorrow-"

"What." My eyes snapped up to him as his eyebrows raised up.

"Tomorrow, since we're in your little home country."

"We've been here for a week, Vincent. I thought we were going to get married in another month?" He was taking this way to fast, even if it wasn't real.

"Well I need to speed this up so my mother can shut up." He sauntered over to the elevator and pressed the button. I thought he forgot that this is a two person thing.

"Yes, but what about me." Vincent looked behind himself to over to me. A cold stare was aimed towards me. "And what about you?" It was a harsh reminder why I was here. I could almost here a tiny crack come from my heart.

"How could you just go from marry me to I don't have a choice in this?" I dissed one of my eyebrows waiting for a answer.

"That's because you don't you here for me." His icily spoke. He continued into the elevator waiting for me.

I lowered my head then walked into the elevator with him in shame. As the elevator descended I realized that I had feelings for Liam. They were faint, but there. I wouldn't have felt so heartbroken if I didn't.

I was just being used.

I stayed silent the whole way back to the hotel. My eyes shifted up to Liam's back and I frowned.

"You know this deal is a two way thing, right." I whispered. I watched him turn around to look blankly at me.

"That you signed up for." I scrunched my eyebrows then grew angry.

"You brought me into this Liam." I saw his facial expression shift for a second before reverting back to his expressionless face. " I gave you the idea, you could've picked any other girl. But you brought me and my family, I am stuck." I snapped staring angrily at the silent man in front of me.

"I thought that you were warming up to me, or least putting how I felt in with your decision." Tears wanted to spill, but I kept them back. "We may not have a romantic relationship, but i thought we had at least a friendship." I saw him roll his eyes and I was taken aback. He stuck his hands into his pockets like I wasn't near breaking down in front of him.

"You are nothing, but a tool to get what I want, Azalea. You were easy, accesible, and cheap. We have nothing, our relationship we have is fake. I could barely tolerate you in the beginning, what makes you think now? When everything is sealed with my mother, we are done. I'm giving your portion and then firing you. I can then finally have a assistant who is at least pleasing to look at." I blinked rapidly taking in his words. I never had my heart stomped on and then thrown away. My breathing became harder every second and I had to get out of there.

"I-I thought you cared." Tears slid down my face one by one.

"Oh stop, no one gives a damn about your feelings." His cold words crushed me even more.

I stood there frozen and watched him walk off into the room. I heard the door close and I chocked on a sob, replaying all of his words. I bit my lip trying not to make a sound.

My eyes drifted to my open bag laid on the couch then to my wallet and phone. I broke from my state and snatched my phone off of the couch.

I dialed a number then lifted the phone to my ear hearing the constan ringing.

"Azalea?" My mothers voice came from the phone.

"M-mama." I whispered shakily trying to keep my composure.

"Oh what's wrong?" Concern tan through her voice.

"C-can y-you come pick me up p-please." I cried.

"Oui, oui. Send me your address." She hung up the phone. I quickly went over to my suitcase and fumbled with my suitcase to close it. I dropped it carefully onto the floor and wheeled it over to the hotel door.  I looked at the stack of papers on the counter. I walked over to them and flipped one over to the back. I grabbed the pen next to them and scribbled a short note to him because I have decency.

I rolled my suitcase out the door and into the elevator. I've never met anyone who could switch the way they acted so fast in my life. If he felt the way he said then he should be able to find someone who was the same way, soulless.

The elevator dinged and I exited out already noticing my mother in her small car outside the doors. I pushed the doors opened and entered my moms car, with a tear stained face.

She didn't ask questions, but just drove. Probably already having an idea who caused the state I was in. I put my head on the window watching everything pass by in a blur.

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