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A/N: This chapter has so many timeskips, I'm sorry—

The next morning was quite pleasant for (Y/N)

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The next morning was quite pleasant for (Y/N). When she woke up, she realized she was still in Clement's arms. It felt, well. . .nice, it made her heart skip like a stone in still water. What wasn't nice though, was the awful pain which infested her wounded leg. She had completely forgotten about it last night but when she tried to stand up, it became even worse. She couldn't even imagine what AJ was feeling.

They had started to make their way back to the school. Clement was the one who was carrying AJ, seeing as his condition was getting bad each passing minute, James suggested that they head back. And James being as kind as he was, he helped (Y/N) to walk since her leg wasn't in good condition either.

"Is he awake?" James asked as he stood on the wooden bridge with (Y/N)'s arm around his shoulder as support, waiting for Clement to catch up to them.

"Yeah, he's so hot. ." Clement spoke when he arrived, his cheek pressed against AJ's forehead.

"I can carry him." James suggested. "You're exhausted. Help (Y/N), instead."

Clement shook his head in a no. "No, I got him. The school isn't far, let's keep going."

James nodded, walking forward with her. (Y/N) slightly turned to look back, her eyes swimming with worry. Clement was walking in a sluggish manner, as if he was going to collapse any minute yet somehow he didn't. He kept walking with AJ in his arms, pushing away his exhaustion.

"Hurts. ." AJ grunted, tightly closing his eyes. "It hurts, Clem."

"Hang on. We're almost there."

They soon arrived in front of the school gate. Willy was the one keeping watch and as soon as he noticed James walking, he raised his bow and aimed at him.

"Walker!" He yelled as he released the arrow.

The arrow went and landed right in front of his feet, making him halt in shock. She also looked up, confused as to why he'd shoot when he saw she was right beside him. Clement soon walked up beside them, staring at Willy.

Willy placed his bow away, stepping back in surprise as he realized who they were.

"Violet! Louis! They came back!" He yelled, running down to open the gates for them.

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