Y/N for President

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Confusion....that is what Y/N and Josh felt at that very moment. The reason for that was because somehow during the election for class representative....Y/N had won first place.

Y/N's Mind: How did I win?!


After Ms. Aizawa announced about choosing a class representative she went into her yellow sleeping bag, the whole class then spoke up all at once wanting the position.

Kirishima: Vote me!

Katsumi: Vote for me you stupid Extras!

Mineta: If I'm chosen, I promise that the male students will have to come to school shirtless!

That comment actually got all the girls to stop talking and look at Mineta then to Josh and Y/N, then back to Mineta then back to Y/N and Josh. The girls then blushed thinking of Y/N and Josh shirtless. Some of the girls even got nosebleeds.

Meanwhile with the guys


Y/N: You don't think they'll actually vote for Mineta because of that... do you?

Josh: Honestly my dude, with the way most of the girls are looking at us, you might as well say goodbye to your shirt .

Luckily for the guys Iida stepped in and told everyone that they should vote for someone who would actually take the role seriously and make the right choices. That got all the girls to snap out of their fantasies and actually vote for the right person. Yet when all was said and done Y/N ended up with Twenty votes, Izumi with Six, and Momo with Three and Iida with One.

End of Flashback

Katsumi: *pissed* Who the hell actually voted for Deku?!

Ochaco was whistling innocently and looking away.

Mineta: But I wanted to see the guys shirtless! *looks at Josh and blushes and mumbles* Or at least see him shirtless.

As Mineta was pouting , she was hit by a crumpled piece of paper. When she opened it, she saw that there was a phone number and a note under it that read :

There's my number. Can't wait to talk with ya cutie~

- Josh

Mineta then blushed even harder and when she looked at back at Josh she had a nosebleed. The reason for that was because Josh was staring at her with lust in his eyes.  But the reason for the nosebleed was because Josh instantly made a grape and cherry appear. He then put them together and put both in his mouth and slowly popped then chewed them all while looking at Mineta and winked at her.

This caused her nosebleed to increase.

This caused her nosebleed to increase

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A/N: Like this

This also caused Mineta to faint of blood loss. Meanwhile Y/N was still trying to figure out how the heck he ended up winning.

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