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Once again for the 30th time that month alone, Y/N had broken his alarm clock due to his strength. As he slowly rose his upper body up and tried his best to rub his face so he could somewhat wake up more, he also carefully lifted his body to where that some of his wives were on didn't wake. As he finished waking himself up, he carefully looked at his bed to see most of his wives that didn't have the night shift, were all laying peacefully asleep with smiles on their faces. Now of course that always put a smile on his face and always made his day a little bit better. He was very glad that they wanted to share him all those years back, instead of fighting for him, because honestly he would have never been able to choose...then again when grew up and became the Number One Hero, more and more females wanted him for all kinds of different reasons, which made his choices a whole lot harder. Luckily in the end, he was able to make his girls understand and share him. He was very grateful for that, especially for today. Now the reason for that...was because that certain day had finally come.

As Y/N quietly got out of bed, got dressed, quietly left the room while also giving each of his wives a kiss on the lips or cheek, going across the hall to check on all of his kids and making sure they were all alright, grabbing a quick bite to eat and heading to his car, he realized that it was still Seven in the morning. His shift for patrol didn't even start till 10:00 Am...Yet here he was leaving his garage way, out of his home, and onto the road traveling to a maximum security guarded prison. As he driving, he put on the radio and decided to listen to some music. As he got closer and closer to the prison, he was becoming more focused. The reason for that, was that if things turned out the way he thought they were, then he was going to be seeing an imamate get released back into the world today....and of course that imamate happened to be his still best and only Male friend.

When he finally parked on the side, he made it just in time to see the prison fence opening up, and out came one singular person. Of course this was none other than Josh, but this version of him was a little bit taller, a lot more muscular, had a scar on his right eye, and even had a goatee. As he stepped out to the other side, he closed his eyes and took in the air. He held it in for a while and when he finally exhaled, he smiled and opened up his eyes. Ten years he had been there....and now he was finally back out. As he looked around, he finally spotted Y/N, who was leaning against his car with his arms crossed and a blank face on and with shades covering his eyes.

Josh slowly started to approach Y/N, and as he got close enough to where he was standing a foot away from him, Y/N stood up and got a little closer to Josh. As they just stared at each other for a bit, no words were said. They only looked at each other and it almost looked like they were looking into each other's lives. Finally the silence was broken by Josh, smiling and starting of the conversation.

Josh: *smiling* Hey...

Y/N:*calm poker face* Hey....

Josh: So...you came to see me leave this joint?

Y/N: Actually I'm the one giving you a ride.

Josh: Oh...well that's might nice and...generous of ya.

Instead of answering back, Y/N got in his car and started it back up. Josh took the signal and got in on the passengers side.

Josh: Well, uh. Thanks for you know coming to get me and all.

Y/N:*starts driving*..........

Josh: *sighs* Look dude....I know. I fucked up mostly by killing all those....people....but I just couldn't take it anymore.

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