Round 1

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War. That is what broke out when Class 1-A clashed with 1-B. The cause for this Civil War....two boys. Y/N and Josh were walking away to the nurse with different expressions on their faces. 

Y/N had a look of exhaustion, the reason for that was he tried his best to try to stop the girls from fighting over him and Josh, but sadly it was just him. Josh had a huge smile on his face with a nosebleed, the reason for that was that he had just witnessed the best epic super female catfight that would live on in his existence as long as he lived. There was hair pulling, clothes ripping, girls screaming and groaning, and Josh was lo0ving every bit of it...until Aizawa and Hitoshi both punching him out through a window from the two story building. That of course started another little fight from the girls that liked Josh to see who would take him to the nurse. In the end though Y/N was the best choice for many reasons. 

All this happened because a little Ms. Neita Monoma started to flirt with Josh in front of everyone, while Hitoshi was flirting with Y/N and saying how 1-B was better compared to 1-A. In that next moment, both Katsumi and Izumi tackled Hitoshi, while Mina and Mineta pounced on Monoma. That's when the rest of the girls joined in and an all out brawl began. Hands were thrown, Names were said, and Josh chanting "Jerry, Jerry" constantly was what happened for the next five minutes. When all was said and done, Y/N was seen dragging Josh by his shoulder like he was a soldier helping out his fellow brother getting out of a war zone.

Josh: Ok....I'm just gonna say this right now....That. Was. Awesome!!

Y/N: *irritated* Really? Getting punched out of a two story building was worth it?

Josh: Ok that part kinda sucked, but definitely conforms that Hitoshi is Definitely Aizawa's secret child. Man dude you got a Mother and Daughter combo congrats!

Y/N: You know I can just drop you right here in the hallway and go back to class.

Josh: Buuut you won't cause you're my best friend. *smiles*

Y/N: *rolls his eyes and sighs* How did that happen again?

Josh:*casually, while still smiling* Well when growing up and being tortured in an underground laboratory till your teen years, your options are make friends with the other victims, end your life to end your suffering, or loose your will and your sanity. Guess we both chose wisely and ever since then we've been the best of friends.

Y/N: Yet now your more of a perv more than ever.

Josh: We are Literally surrounded by beautiful women....sue me!

Y/N: *scoffs* I just don't get why you don't use your healing quirk and come back to class?

Josh: Easy. 1. Aizawa is probably still mad at me and I don't feel like going through another window just yet, and B. I want to see if my theory is true.

Y/N: What theory?

As Y/N said that they had just entered Recovery Girl's office. Once again they were shocked. Instead of a little old lady, there stood...

 Instead of a little old lady, there stood

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