"Best" Camping Trip Ever

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As all the students returned form their internships, most of them looked the same, while others had some slight changes. Some might be how they stood, how they walked, how they dressed, or even their aura around them....but the two with the major changes were of course Y/N and Josh. As the two walked into the campus, they looked like they had been through war itself. The color from their eyes and skin drained, their facial expressions hadn't moved, they just walked in like it was draft day and they were up next to be called to the frontlines. When they entered the room they didn't even pay attention to any of the girls, they just took their seats and sat down. 

This of course concerned the girls, but it looked like a certain female perv walked straight up to Josh and locked lips with him. As they both closed their eyes and started to get into it, it was like a switch in Josh had been flipped to where he took charge and nearly started to make out with her. When he let her go, he noticed that just about all the females were blushing, but as he noticed his fallen comrade who probably went through something similar to him, he got up...went straight to Y/N....and straight up punched him in the jaw.

Y/N: *snaps out of it* What the hell man?!

Josh: Good to see you too soldier. Welcome back to Class 1-A.

Y/N: *looks around and realizes he's being watched* Oh...

Josh: *gets hit to a wall* Gah!

Aizawa: Mr. L/N, next time don't lay a hand on other students if you would.

Josh: Tsc, you're just saying that cause I hit your precious boyfriend *coughs*

Aizawa/Y/N: He's not my boyfriend!/She's not my girlfriend! *look at each other and blush*

Josh: "Riiight".

Aizawa: Besides all of that *looks at all of her students*  Now that you're all back, you should all no that your next test is coming up. Afterwards we'll be going to a training camp afterwards, but for those who fail the exams, you'll be with me.

After Ms. Aizawa said that and went into her sleeping bag, the rest of the group started to talk with one another, while that happened, Y/N and Josh talked telepathically.

Josh: So...I'm guessing you went through almost the same crap as me?

Y/N: Yeah.........

Josh: So...how was it for you?

Y/N: It was a first...that's for sure. You?


Y/N: Josh?

Josh:....You know... after the exams....the trip....that's when it all went down.....

Y/N: Yeah...But this time we can at least help prevent some damage control


Y/N: Wait what do you-

Momo: U-um excuse me Y/N...

Y/N: *snaps out of the communication link* Huh, yes Momo?

Momo: *blushing* W-Well, me and some of the other ladies were wondering if you and Josh would like to join us for studying?

Y/N: *smiles*We'd love to.


Y/N and Josh were sitting together on the bus as they were heading towards the training camp that was located in the mountains. Honestly t been an intense time ever since they were done with the exams. For theirs, Y/N and Josh both had to take on the entire staff by themselves...each. For Y/N it was a little challenging at some points, but he still easily took them all down with ease. Josh on the other hand,...he didn't even give the staff a chance to plan or anything, he blindly took them all out Horror Movie status. When they went to go buy stuff for the trip, Josh was dragged into a hallway...and made out with Tomura. As she tried to convince Josh to join them, he politely turned them down. 

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