Round 2 and 3

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After the break was over, Midnight came back to announce the event. As she was about to, the hero Cementoss changed the arena to where it was now circular, but it was divided into two sections.

Midnight: Attention all students that made it to the next round, Now that you have a partner or partners, we will begin the next event. And what that is, is simple. For the next event, I don't wanna hear any quacks, tweets, oinks, whinnies, or cockle-doodle-doos when I say...Dodgeball. 

And once she said that she pulled out a dodgeball and twirled it around her finger.  She then smiled and announced something else.

Midnight: Also originally, we were going to have individual matches, but the director decided to have one giant match to determine who makes it to the end. You can't use your quirks directly at your opponent, and once you get hit your out. If the opponent catches your ball, then you are out. The last thirty-two remaining will go to Round 3. And now here are the teams.

But as she showed the two teams, the screen showed all the girls...........vs. Y/N and Josh. 

Josh: Well.....we're dead.

Y/N: Nice knowing you bud.

All the students got in their positions, and as Y/N saw some of the looks the girls were giving him. he didn't know if they were predatory or lustful. Midnight then set up the dodgeballs, but a she did so she bent over and was swaying her hips at Josh. When she got back up she winked at Josh and left. Cementoss was the ref and when everyone was ready she blew the whistle and the match began. In a split second all the balls were gone and when the girls saw where they went they saw the balls hovering all around Josh and Y/N who were both smiling.

Y/N/Josh's Mind: Sike!!

Josh: Sorry in advance ladies~.

And just like that Josh shot them off like bullets, they moved so fast they not only were they unwatchable, they took out multiple girls in one go. The girls all tried their best to block ,stop, run or dodge, but the balls just hit them like heat seeking missiles. When it was the girls turn to throw at the boys, The two easily dodged every single one

 When it was the girls turn to throw at the boys, The two easily dodged every single one

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A/N: Y/N dodging

A/N: Josh dodging

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A/N: Josh dodging

This cycle repeated itself till it was just Y/N and Josh left standing.

Mic: And to everyone's surprise Y/N and Josh have won again!!!

That of course got the crowd going as they thought the two males would get out.

Mic: And now for the final round, the one on one battles!!!

As the list was posted on who made it, once again Y/N and Josh were tied for first, and as the list went on most of 1-B, some of 1-A and Melissa had been eliminated. Now the final thirty two remained.

A/N: As much as I'd love to describe all the matches, just imagine what happens in the show.

As it was coming down to the finals, there was only Y/N, Izumi, Shota, Katsumi, Fumikage, Josh, Kara, Jean, Rachel, and Wanda. As the rounds went on, just like in their dimension, Izumi pushed Shota to use her fire side and Shota won, and Katsumi beat Fumikage. As Y/N saw Kara beat Jean, he knew that's she be a tough opponent. Josh on the other hand defeated Rachel, but had actually slowed down time to talk to her. He knew she had some demons she needed help with and he guided her to the right path.As Wanda and Y/N fought, she tried to use her abilities on him, but he kept braking them and Y/N merely picked her up and gently dropped her out of the boundary. This made Wanda blush as she was imagining Y/N always carrying her. As the final Five were shown, the matches were made to where it would be Y/N vs. Kara and Shota vs. Josh vs.Katsumi.

As Y/N faced Kara, they looked at each other and tried to get a read on one another but it didn't work. Then as the match began, faster than a speeding bullet Y/N and Kara collided. they were almost evenly matched...until Y/N began tto try a little and slowly started to over power her. As he kept going, Kara was starting to get weary. Finally Y/N punched her to where she fell to the ground and barely out of bounds. Y/N the walked over to her and helped her to recovery girls. As he was helping her, he didn't notice the blush she had on her face.

Before the triple threat match began, Y/N noticed that Josh had quickly left out of the stadium, but when he quickly came back, he was carrying an unconscious Stain and Igneium. Josh then had the police arrest stain, while medics took care of Igneium. This was all done in front of everyone watching the brodcast, so when certain organizations saw this...this peaked their interests in many different ways.

As the match actually began, Shota and Katsumi jumped towards Josh from separate sides and sent both fire and ice at him. When the smoke cleared, it looked like Josh was in a molted tomb, as Midnight was about to announce that Josh was out, Josh's voice was heard from his formed tomb.


All of a sudden Josh burst through and telepathically picked the two up and tossed them out of the boundaries.

Midnight: Josh is the winner!

As the crowd was cheering, Josh raised his hand, with his head down. As the crowd started to get quiet, Josh then pointed at Y/N and smiled.Y/N stood up and simply smiled back at him and nodded. The two knew what was going to happen next and they were all for it.

Y/N's Mind

Josh: No holding back?

Y/N: No holding back.

Josh: Hey, No Retreat-

Y/N: No Surrender

Up next was Y/N V.S. Josh at would be an epic battle for the ages.

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter. Up next The Battle and New Hero Names. Now for a few quick announcements.

1. For your hero names the only comments were Raiden or Primus. So with that said do you want it to be 




2. Who do you want to inern with? It can be someone from My Hero Academia, DC, or Marvel.


3. As always thank you all for all your support. Whether you read my stories or follow me on Wattpad, it always means a lot to me.

Until Next Time :)

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