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Y/N was just confused about what had happened. He and Josh had just easily taken care of the villains from the camp trip...and yet Josh turned himself in as a sacrifice? He knew damn well that Josh could have easily whooped all of their asses, so why the heck did Josh just turn himself over?! Now here he was with all of the other female U.A. Students as they were back at the school due to the incident/ Y/N knew he had so many questions, and if Josh didn't show up soon, he was going to go find those answers for himself.


Well it looked like Y/N was going to get his answer soon, because he felt a major energy strike rise up. It was so powerful that it was causing tremors to happen and make all the buildings around him and the others shake and start to move and crumble. As Y/N held the others while also shielding from the falling debris, he also sensed Josh's energy near the spike...then again, he sensed that it was Josh that was causing it. Without hesitation, Y/N was able to get out his fellow students, and get them to a safe advantage point. When they were all secure, Y/N sped off to Josh, but when he got there, he saw an unconscious Allmight and a barely standing...All For One? But that wasn't really the issue...what was, was how Josh looked at that moment....

what was, was how Josh looked at that moment

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And he didn't look very good at the moment.

Y/N: *shouting* Josh, what the heck is going on?!

Josh: *in a low voice, while he's still dispersing out aura* They were here....They were here too...They were here Y/N.

Y/N: Who were?!

Josh: *power and Anger rises* The LAB!!

Y/N: *surprised* What?

Josh: They were here! They were still "Experimenting", and they were still here!

Y/N:*concerned* Josh....what did you do?

Josh: They were still running and working on their latest batch of test subjects! I saw it with my own eyes!

Y/N: *a little more serious* Josh what did you do?

Josh: When I saw all those bastards working like it was another day at the office for them, while all those kids were suffering, I couldn't take it any more!

Y/N: Wait, are you saying that you-

Josh: Saved many future children from the hands of those monsters?.......Yes........Yes I did.

Y/N: Josh that wasn't your call!

Josh: And whose call was it!? Yours?! Allmights?! AllforOne's!?, God's, Satan's, Who?! Who really has the say of taking a life, of what's right and what's wrong, of who's Innocent and who's Guilty,  about what's Good or Bad!?! Last I checked No One cared about that when WE were in the LAB! We went through Hell because of those bastards! 

Y/N: That still didn't give you the right to kill them!

Josh: *sarcastic*Oh, "I'm sorry". Was I supposed to just catch them? Turn them in so they could have a court trial to be proven guilty or Innocent? So they would probably only serve a couple of years and then get out or somehow not even serve at all!?!?

Y/N: You don't know if it would have gone like that!

Josh: *pissed off* That's exactly how it would have went! We both know that anybody with the power and money will NEVER serve their full sentence! They'll always find a way out! Well not this time! Not for them! Not for all of what they did! To the others, To me, To you!

Y/N: You can't kill people just because you can though!

Josh: And why not!? We have the power to prevent future crimes from happening and yet we just choose to catch the bad guys and put them away for while. What good has that gotten any of us?! If this is how the system is going to turn out, then I won't stand for it!

Y/N: Do you hear what you're saying!?

Josh: Oh, I hear it loud and clear very perfectly. And not even having to guess, I already know what side you're on.

Y/N: *increases his power*Josh....if that means what I think it know I'm gonna have to stop you.

Josh: That's only if you can actually beat me, and last I checked, I almost won the last time. Wanna see who breaks the tie breaker and wins for the last time?

Y/N: ....Ring the bell.

Josh: ...Ding...Ding...Ding....

Silence...for the next few moments the only thing that could actually be heard was Y/N's and Josh's power increasing and the land around them starting to shake and tremble. Josh and Y/N moved Allmight  and All For One out of the way, but once they came back, they slowly circled each other. When they stopped, they stared each other down and waited for the other to make the first move....Y/N decided to act first because he instantly took off like a bullet, Josh quickly followed up and did the same. When they jumped towards each other, they both had their fists ready in a punch motion. When their fists collided with each other, it caused a powerful seismic wave that it actually caused the city to loose its power and go into a full blackout.

 Everyone watching this went into a full panic, when the lights were turned back on, they could see Y/N and Josh still going at it. The two were neck and neck and kept delivering blows to one another, and the other either blocking the hits or taking them and returning some of their own. The battle was long brutal and hard...but by the end....only one was still barely standing....and that one was....

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