The Battle And Hero Names

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A moment...that's all it took for a 4 year-old Y/N to be taken from his parents from the park and drugged and thrown into a van. He only wanted to help the nice lady find her cat, but in the next moment a rag came over his mouth and the next thing he knew the world around him went black. When he woke up, he had just been thrown in what looked like to be a prison cell with bars in front, and on the sides of him, with a cement wall behind him with barely a sliver of light coming from a crack in the wall. As he got his surroundings, he noticed other kids just like him, all around either scared, mad, or...crazy,  like they lost it. It wasn't until he heard a voice that he noticed someone was with him in the cell.

???: Hey Mack, whata you in for?

Y/N: *scared* Huh?

???: *carving another tally on the wall* I said what you in for? Ya know, what did you do to end up here?

Y/N: *still scared* I-I don't know....I was just trying to help a lady find her cat and-

???: Aw geeze, you fell for the ol "help me find my whatever trick" It's whenever a "stranger" asks ya to either find their pet or kid or friend or whateva. You must have been one of the more gullible types to have fell for that cheap trick.

Y/N: *nervous* W-Well why are you here?

???: Me, *smirks* Well for starters I defrauded a major corporation, then I robbed the second biggest bank in France only using a bald-point pen, then I created a hole in the o-zone over Avignon, and finally...*puts on a serious face* I killed a man...with this thumb! *shows his thumb* 

Of course at four years old, Y/N actually believed him, but if he was a little less scared, he would notice that this kid was just about the same age as him.

???: *busts out laughing* Oh wow! You actually bought that! *cackles*

Y/N: *gets frustrated* N-No I didn't! I-I knew that you w-we-re just faking!

???: *wipes away the tears and calms down* Heh, of course you did stutter butters. But in all honesty, I was basically raised in this shithole. Parents didn't want me so they just gave me up...but hey that's life for ya. It's like that one wise guy said  "Life is a Rapist who likes to fuck us all in the end", It just seems that it was my time as soon as I was out of my mom.

Y/N: Oh...I'm sorry to hear that.

???: Meh, forget about it. That was then and this is now.

Y/N: Well, now what do we do?

???: Well now you have a couple options. Option 1, you become someone's bitch, Option2, you die from either all the testing, experiments, guards, or other kids in here, Option 3 you loose your sanity and become one of the looney tooneys in here and just either become brain dead or a vegetable, Option 4, you kill yourself now and end all your future pain and suffering, or....take the hardest option of all which I'm doing...Option 5.

Y/N: *not already liking all the other options* W-What's Option 5?

???: Survive and Live.....No matter what happens you keep fighting and going on, and never giving up. Keep going thinking in your mind that somehow of a miracle you'll get out of this hell hole, and live your life in freedom or have some kind of faith that somebody who actually gives a rat's ass about you will end up finding this joint and take all these ass wipes away and help us. *chuckles* Then again, if any actual "Heroes" did their job, then we would have been found by now.

Y/N: Well, you don't know that, maybe the heroes are on their way.

???: *Frowns* Don't do that....don't give me hope.

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