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Once upon a time, during a time after all the happily-ever-after's in the world, and perhaps even after the ever-afters after that, all the villains throughout the globe were banished from the United Kingdom of Auradon and imprisoned on an island called the Isle of the Lost. There, underneath a protective dome of magic that kept all manner of enchantment out of their clutches, the terrible, the treacherous, the insane, the truly powerful, the awful as well as the sinister, were cursed to live without the power of magic.

King Beast declared the villains to remain on that island and exiled forever. Forever, as it turns out, is quite a long time. Longer than the enchanted princess can sleep. Longer, even, than an imprisoned maiden's tower of delicate golden hair. Even longer than a week of being turned into a slimy frog, and certainly much longer than a girl waiting for her dashing prince to finally get around to placing that glass slipper on her foot already.

Yes. Forever is a long, long time, like an eternity even.

Ten years, to be specific. Ten years that these legendary villains have been trapped on a floating prison of rock and rubble. Okay, so you might say ten years isn't such a long time,considering; but for these conjurers and witches, viziers and sorcerers, evil queens and dark fairies, to live without magic was a sentence worse than death. 

(And some of them were brought back from death, only to be placed on this island—so, um, they should know.)

 Without their awesome powers to dominate and hypnotise, terrorise and threaten, create thunderclouds and lightning storms, transform and disguise their features only and manipulate their way into getting exactly what they wanted, they were reduced to hardscrabble lives, eking a living selling and eating slop, scaring no one but their own minions, and stealing from each other.

 It was hard even for them to imagine they once had been great and powerful, these poisoners of forest apples and thieves of undersea voices, these usurpers of royal powers and owners of petulant mirrors. Now their lives were anything but powerful. Now they were ordinary mortals struggling to live a never-ending lives full of torment and anguish.

Our story though focus' on one villain who's power could rival that of Maleficient's, temper as strong as earthquakes, voice that could shatter glass, and heart as hollow as the depths of darkness. She who reigns a good portion of the Isle and a woman to be feared by all; The Queen of Hearts. 

Since the Beast declared for all the villains to be exiled on the island, he made it his mission to include villains outside of Auradon, which was Wonderland. The Queen and her servant, Knave of Hearts, was dragged and thrown onto the isle to serve as punishment for their actions that includes; Murder, terrorising, bringing fear into the hearts and many and corrupting Wonderland. Queen of Hearts made it her mission to reign over the Isle as if it was her former territory. She, and her knight, did all they can.

They stole. They lied. They tortured. They blackmail...

You name it, they've done it.

Years come to pass and the Queen of Hearts became a ruler that spoke fear into the hearts of many citizens as well as a major dictator. Her power and influence became so strong that one dares not sneeze without her threat to chop off your head. This red-haired woman became even more powerful as she created an alliance with the mistress of evil herself, Maleficent. For those wondering who Maleficent is; She's known as the mistress of Evil, the Dark Fairy, the all powerful shapeshifter and the fairy who cursed a princess to die when her sixteenth birthday came about.

(However, this curse only became a sleeping curse which was eventually lifted by true loves kiss.)

The two women ruled the isle with power, madness and fear. Those who dared opposed these women would meet a fate worse than death. 

No one, and I mean no one, could ever stop them. 

How could they? 

Being the Queen of Hearts and the Mistress of Evil were bad enough, but they also have some of the baddest villain's as their council; Cruella De Vil, The Evil Queen and the Mighty Jafar. 

These people were some of the ruthless villains known in history books because of their acts. All alone, they were not strong but together, the five ruled all.

These five villains lived peacefully, striking fear into the hearts of many and making all those who are beneath them to suffer. Nothing could be ever the sweeter...

That is until something shakes the balance of the peace...

An event will that will surely rock the tides of fate as a whole new generation rises... 

Who are these people, you may wonder?

They are known to many as....

The Rotten Five.

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