Chapter Thirteen- Start of a New Day

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I open my eyes slowly to the sight of the sun slowly approaching the horizon. I turn to my side slightly to see it was four in the morning. I yawn a little and decide to get up to prepare for today. I gently moved Danny's arm off me slightly so I could stretch and walked over to a sewing machine that was resting on my desk that I was given. 

"Silentium." I whisper.

(Note: Silentium is Latin for Silence)

A magic circle appeared in between me and the item which then moved before latching itself on the machine. For those wondering, Silentium is a minor yet very effective spell that when cast on an item or someone, no sound comes out whatsoever. With this spell, I am able to use the sewing machine with no problem of waking the others up. With the snap of my fingers, I conjured up many fabrics all around me, ready to use. I smile in content as I begin to use the machine. I'm hoping the others like for what I am about to do.

As my way of thanking the others for a lovely night, I am going to be making them custom outfits with the shoes and equipment included as well as mini extra surprises involved. I must really thank Evil Queen sometime when I get back because making these was so easy and I managed to make everyone's gifts in ten minutes. She said something about me having a some sort of superpower and that I was like something she has never seen before. I wrapped up the clothes into present form and placed them on a pile on the couch, away from Jay and Ben who were smiling in their sleep. I can hear Ben dreaming about Mal as he repeats her name softly while I look over to Jay who appears to be dreaming something that involves fighting and saving a girl out of danger. How do I know this? He was thrashing from side to side, punching the air and kicking upwards. I chuckle as I place the gifts down and wrote the names on the presents so that they know who's gift is who's.

When I finished, I could see that I have wasted a lot of time as it was now 5 am. I sigh as I walk towards the bathroom to freshen up. When I got inside, I could not believe my eyes at how luxurious and fancy it is; A large circular Jacuzzi hot-tub with a large bath beside it. A large sink that has dolphins for the taps while above it is a large fancy mirror that Evie as well as Evil Queen could just gaze into it for hours upon hours, a well functioning toilet and finally a thing that looked strange. Upon looking closer, it had a sign on it- Shower.

'Shower? What the hell is a shower?' I thought to myself. 

This was like a foreign object to me, actually, looking around, everything here was foreign to me. The only source of water and ways of cleaning yourself is a big wooden bucket that the goblins would provide which you were only given a worn out rag as well as half a bar of soap to wash yourself with. I could only stutter as I realised that I have not the faintest clue on how to use any of these things, well, besides the sink. I look up to see a piece of paper that is laminated on the wall that has 'Shower Instructions' on it in big black letters.

Oh thank god there are instructions. 

I look over to see a laminated instruction list on how to use a shower. I stripped off my pyjama's, tossed them in the hamper to wash later and proceeded to use the shower to clean myself. Once the streams of water hit my naked body on all sides, I was in heaven. The water was nice on the skin and it was so warm. I felt like I could just live here. I picked up one of the many soaps available- Peach Daydreamer, before applying it. I hum in bliss as the smell of the soap was heavenly and sweet. This enjoyment was so overwhelming as I began to sing a soft melody. I remember Maleficent humming this melody a long time ago out of the blue and has stuck with me ever since,


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