Chapter Nineteen- A Charming Revenge Plan and Beautifying Jane.

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Once the tourney tryouts are over, everyone goes back to their locker rooms to get changed. Danny and Layla asks me to wait for them to get changed so that they could show me some more of the school. After half an hour, Danny and Layla meet me along with Ashley, Solaria, Esme, Tati, Andrea and Maria.

We walk down the halls of what appears to be the science part of the building. Danny insists on me being close to him as possible while the girls talk to me about random things arranging from fashion designing, hobbies, love interests, stuff girls like to talk about. I don't know what to do in situations regarding girly things, but I try my best to put in my input as well as offer any advise the girls ask me.

In the distance, I see Mal and Evie by their lockers. I chuckle as I see Mal's locker, decorated with the logo she sprays all over town on the Isle with the famous 'Long Live Evil' in the centre. 

"Hey girls." I call out to them. Both Mal and Evie turn around and wave at me back.

"Hey big brother." Evie greets happily, "How was tourney tryouts?"

"It was surprisingly fun to watch." I answer, "Jay and Carlos made the team and I got to see Layla with the girl crew perform such a fantastic cheerleading routine."

"Never understood cheerleading." Mal said, "All that preppiness and 'positivity'. No thanks." She fake gags.

"I understand where your coming from." Andrea said, "But it's so much more than that."

"What? Prance about in short skirts?"

"Oh honey, you need to lighten up." Tati laughs.

"How will your dear Ben take it when he hears you don't have school spirit?" Maria fake pouts. Mal blushes.

"I-I-I d-d-don't l-l-like him like that."

"Sure you don't~" Danny sang. Mal hisses and glares at the blonde.

"You have a death wish or something?" I chuckle.

"I so knew it!" Evie squeals, "Mal and Ben are so perfect for one another!" Mal places a hand over the blue-haired girls mouth.


"Well you both are so good together." Layla agrees, "I much prefer you over Audrey in being my future sister-in-law any day of the week."

"I can't believe this is happening." Mal groans. She puts her hands over her face to stop her blushing.

"We'll stop." Esme smirks, "If you tell us you like him."

"B-But..." Mal pouts.

"You know we're only teasing girl." Solaria swings her arm over Mal, "You are our friend Mal. We will help you out."

"Y-You class me as your friend?" Mal takes a step back, shock and surprise on her face.

"Well duh." Danny grins, "All the VK'S are our friends." Evie smiled brightly at that.

"Thank you guys." Evie tackles them all into a group hug.

"Anytime Evie." Ashley places a hand on Evie's shoulder, "And allow me to tell you this. You don't have to act dumb in order to get someone. You are a beautiful smart girl sweetie."

"B-But my mom said that beauty is everything..."

"No offense honey, but screw that." Esme said, "You are a beautiful girl and I can sense you have brains as well. Being naturally beautiful and smart is a deadly combination in this word and very rare to come across. If a boy can't appreciate you because of your intelligence, then they are not worth it."

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