Chapter Twenty One- The Butterfly Queen and a Siren Awakening

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It's the end of the lesson for Evie and she goes over to check the time on her phone new phone she received the other day from Layla and Ashley. The device was all brand new with a blue phone back protector with an apple wearing a crown along with a small chain dangling down with a small open book shape charm attached to it. She see's the time is 2:50 pm, ten minutes before her meeting with Chad Charming under the bleachers.

She inwardly smirks as everything is going according to plan. All she needs now is to gather the information from the young prince and take it to the soon to be queen. Another delicious idea pops into mind to make things even more effective for the plan. Evie knows that Chad is a snake so why not prey on that weakness?

According to information she has been told about Chad; He dumps all the smart girls after two weeks of doing his homework for him. For those he takes advantage off, he snitches them to the teachers to get the girls into trouble so that the victims reputation suffers and his reputation soars, high enough to be 'a goody-too shoes teachers pet.'

Why not show him her magic mirror? Granted not her real magic mirror, but a regular one she can portray as the magic mirror. She grabs her compact hand mirror and smirks.

'What a fantastic idea.' She thought, 'I'll use this compact mirror and sell it off to Chad as my 'magic mirror'. That way if he does snitch on me and try to get me into trouble, I'll not only prove my innocence but also humiliate him at the process. All I need to do is tell Layla and Ashley this little bonus to the plan.'

"Evie?" A worried voice calls out. The blue haired girl turns around to see the group of girls. "Are you alright?" Ashley asks.

"I am Ashley, thanks for asking." Evie smiles, "I just thought of an added way to get back at your brother."

"Do tell." Layla chimes in.

"This I have to hear." Tati chuckles, "I am dying to see Chad get what's coming to him."

"We all are for that matter." Solaria smirks.

"So tell us girl." Andrea's eyes sparkle in mischief. "Tell us what you have in mind."

"Well," Evie shows them a plain ordinary hand mirror used for make-up, "I was thinking I would mislead Chad further a bit by using this. I will continue to act all cute and dumb for him and tell him I used this compact mirror when answering the question. I will tell him that this is a magic mirror my mother passed down to me which allows me to know everything. No doubt he will be hooked on it and then uses this as a further means of asking me to do his homework."

"That's quite brilliant." Ashley gleams, "And knowing Chad, he will find some way to grab it from you when your not looking before snitching on Evie that she cheated."

"And we'll come into Evie's rescue by exposing Chad stealing the compact mirror and further humiliate him by stating that this is an ordinary mirror." Solaria adds, "No doubt Chad will want to prove that this is a magic mirror, thus further embarrassing himself."

"Speaking of mirrors," Maria turns to Evie and chuckles, "You used a magic mirror in class, didn't you?"

Evie may be smart, cunning and a good actress, but there is one thing in this world that she cannot do, and that is to lie.


"No need to tell us. We got you." Esme smiles, "We all have our secrets after all."

"If it helps you, I'll allow you to reveal my secret." Maria pulls out her deck of cards, "Like my cousin, I use magic cards. Each card is holds a single spell I can use over and over again. The Twelve of Diamonds works the same way as your magic mirror Evie, it allows me to find things and gives me the answers to questions."

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