Chapter Thirty Two- Dinner with the Beasts?! Pt 1

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With Ben and Mal (Bal)

Mal sits at the end of the platform and notices Ben is nowhere in sight. Her hear beat rapidly and worry starts to kick in.

"Ben?" She calls. "Ben? Ben!" Each call for Ben was filled with worry until finally, Mal decides to do the one thing she thought she would never do...

She jumps in the lake.

Upon entering the water, Mal tries to swim but struggles as she catches herself in a deep spot, submerging herself. Ben emerges from the water a second later, take Mal into his arms and carry her to safety.

"Y-You scared me Ben!" Mal exclaims after she finishes up coughing up the water she unfortunately had swallowed during the struggle. She whacks him on the arm.

" can't swim?" Ben asks, slightly shocked.


"But you live on an island!"

"Yeah, with a barrier around it, remember? Ugh!"

"And you still tried to save me." Ben said, smiling gracing his face.

"Yeah, and do you thank me? No! All I get is soaking wet!" Mal said in frustration while trying to straighten out her dress.

Ben takes out a rock he had been carrying while in the water.

"And, uh, this fancy rock. It's yours. Make a wish and throw it back into the lake." Ben smiles as he gives the rock to Mal.

Mal gives Ben a look and looks at the rock for a moment, gazing at it for a moment.

'I wish to be with Ben forever.' She thought. She plops the rock back into the water nearest to the platform before getting up and begins to walk away from the prince.

Ben quickly follows her, hopping up on the platform and grabs his jacket. He then drapes it over the girls shoulders and proceeded to dry off. Ben gently plays with a strand of Mal's hair as he looks into her eyes. She doing the same in return.

"Uh, Mal? I told you that I loved you. What about you? Do you love me?" Ben asks.

Mal grows quiet for a while before she finally turns away, her cheeks turning pink and her heart racing.

'I do love you Ben. I love you so much.' She sadly thought. "I-I don't know what love feels like."

Ben reaches for Mal's chin and turns her face so that she looks at him.

"I can teach you Mal."

"Y-You will?" The blonde boy nods and smiles.

"You are my everything Mal. I'll do anything for you."

With Danny and Ethan

After Danny finally gets back into his clothes, he and I spend the rest of the time lying on the rose field, gazing up at the sky. Danny's arm holding me close and my head resting on his chest.

"Say Danny?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Yes Ethy?"

"Why were the roses you gave me a different colour? Are they suppose to mean something?" Danny gulps and sits up. I sit right up and turn to him.

"I-I purposely made a rose in e-each colour as a symbolisation t-to represent what I want to say to you." He cups my cheek tenderly, "A-Allow me to start with each colour separately, from the last colour to the first..." 

He takes a deep breath before looking deeply into my eyes.

"The White rose represents Innocence and Purity. You Ethy are the most innocent person I have ever met with a heart full of purity, something that is rare to find in this world. Your Innocence and purity shine like the eighty-eight constellations that cover the night sky. The Pink rose symbolises Sweet thoughts and Grace. My head is always filled with sweet thoughts of you that it makes me laugh as well as brightens up my day." I can feel my face heating up.

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