Chapter Twenty Six- Did I mention

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Tourney field

We now go to the tourney field where the tourney game is taking place. I watch as Layla led the cheerleaders and the mascot, both cheering loudly and giving their all for the schools team. 

"This is a nail-biter folks." The announcer in the stand calls out through a microphone, "There's forty seven seconds left on the clock! Both teams all tied up; The Sherwood Falcons and The Fighting Knights both with two points! What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals!" 

I look around to see the crowd dancing and cheering for their teams. I grab my megaphone.

"You can do it Fighting Knights!" I cheer, "Show the Sherwood Falcons the fierce power of Auradon's mighty knights!"

I sit back on the bench where the other players who are not playing are stationed. I hand a bottle of water to Danny who seems to be taking a small break as he is still standing.

"Thanks Ethy." Danny winks at me and takes a drink of water.

"Just don't overwork yourself, okay?" I say as I see him heavy breathing.

"I'll be fine Ethy, don't worry."  He gives me the water back, "I hope you cheer me on out there."

"I will." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Go get 'em Danny!" Jay cheers on his teammate from his spot on the bench.

"Thanks, Jay." Danny runs back on to the field, "Doing this for you Ethy!" I blush scarlet.

"I-Idiot!" I yell back. Jay and the others laugh in amusement.

"Both teams get into their huddles and take up positions along the kill zone." The announcer said, "The Dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire!"

"Brian!" Coach yells. The boy runs to towards the bench and takes his spot on the bench.

"You did well out there Brian." Carlos said.

"Thanks Carlos." The son of Anita and Rodger Radcliffe said. The coach turns to Jay. 

"You're up."

"And now for a substitution!" The announcer exclaims. Jay gets up from his seat on the bench and pulls Carlos towards him. 

"Coach, what about my buddy here?"

"Oh, no." Carlos said, sitting back down.

"Not so sure about that." Coach Jenkins turns to me, "Your call Ethan. What do you think?"

"According to the battle positioning and the timing, Carlos is best suited to be put into the match."

"Are you sure Ethan?" I nod,

"I do yes. He has been practising and I have seen the improvements. Peter and Ben both worked their magic on Carlos."

"And don't forget coach," Jay turns to the man, "You yourself said to me that a team s made up of a bunch of parts."

"Jay, big brother, I'm not that good." Carlos pleads, waving his hand in front of his throat as if to cut Jay and I from saying anything further.

I kneel down beside him.

"Little brother," I start, "I know what I am doing and I know just how much the team needs you. I wouldn't put you out there if I didn't think you wouldn't be best suited." I give him a soft smile, "You won't be alone little brother, you will have Jay, Danny, Ben, Lucas and your boyfriend Peter to look out for you."  Carlos blushes at that and smiles, "While Brian and I will be cheering for you right here."

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