Chapter Twenty Three- Learning the importance of a team + Coronation?

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The Bleachers

With Jay

Jay and Coach Jenkins are sitting on the bleachers, having what looks like a pleasant conversation, the topic being about Tourney.

"I could really use a though guy like you. The team's a bunch of princes, if you know what I mean." Jay laughs.

"You're telling me! It's all 'after you, old chum. Oh pardon me, did I bump into you.' As my father says, 'the only way to win is to make sure everyone else loses!'" Jay begins to motion with his hands to emphasise his point.

"Jay! Jay, Jay, Jay!" Coach Jenkins exclaims, trying to get the boy to calm down.

"Aww, you rip-!" The Coach sighs and cuts the son of Jafar off before  could build steam, and gently sits Jay back down on the bleachers.

"Allow me to explain what a team is. It's like a family as of sorts."

"You do not want to be at my house at dinner time." Jay tells the coach.  Jenkins sweat-drops.

"Okay, okay, um... you know how a body has a lot of different parts? The legs, elbows, ears? Alone, they cannot do much, but they need one another to fully work. Well that's what a team is, different players who work together to win. Make any sense?"

"Can I be the fist?" Jay eagerly asks, causing the man to laugh.

"W-Well the fist is part of the body I suppose." Coach grabs a blue tourney team jersey with Jay's name on the back and the number 8, all in big bold letters and in yellow. "Welcome to the team, son."

"T-Thank you sir." Jay takes the shirt happily. A sudden feeling begins to swell up inside him. It's a warm feeling and Jay felt happy feeling it.

For once in his life, he could feel as if he could stop being a thief and be his own person. Auradon is a place of dreams and opportunity, a land where he could be his own person and he could expand his horizons. The jersey  he was given proves that fact.

Given... given...

Not stole.

"Say Jay," Coach leans back, "How is Ethan by the way since I last seen him?" Jay snaps out of it and turns to the coach.

"He's doing a bit better, as well as he could be." Jay answers, "Big brother has calmed down and he has Mal, Evie, Carlos and the others to help him ease his stress a little."

"That's good. I was getting worried for the boy." Jenkins looks up to the sky, "I never seen someone produce such anger that they would cause the ground to shake. He is really protective of you from what I can tell."

"He is." Jay smiles, "Big brother has always done so much for Mal, Evie and Carlos and myself. He has sacrificed so much to make sure we eat, sleep, survive..." Jay's smile softens, "He is the star that glues the gang together. We would be lost without him."

"I see..." The coach turns to the boy, "You all have been suffering so much that its really unfair."

"Not as much as big brother. He is the one that has been suffering so much out of all of us."

"How so?" Jay frowns.

"He has endured so much that no one in Auradon can compare or should slander. He has faced severe trauma, tortured to critical extent, beaten til he was black and blue, seen things that would give an Auradon kid severe nightmares for years, starved for a large amount of days..."

"Wow..." The coach stops Jay as the lad's eyes begin to tear up. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

"And I thought coming here would help big brother escape such abuse," Jay continues, "but it seems that's not the case. In the short time big brothers been here, he gets publicly humiliated, berated, bullied and tormented so much that his health has suffered drastically."

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