Chapter Nine- Drama Escalates

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(Warning- This chapter will be very long, if not the longest chapter of this book (At least I am hoping it is) due to the many lots of description, character feels and hopefully shocking drama that will be included. You have been warned and I am sorry for it being so god damn long.)

(EXTRA NOTEImage used above the chapter is a google image, not my own design.)

"Why, why, why?!" Mal angrily growls. 

For the past twenty minutes after we came back from our failed mission, Mal has been pacing up and down the room, angrily cursing and glaring. It took all her strength, willpower and sanity in not killing Jay because of his recklessness and quite frankly, I would be to if I was in her position. I personally don't mind that we failed to get the wand but we had a big opportunity there and then, and it all spiralled down the drain.

"Mal, calm down." I go over to her and gently place her down on a chair before sitting next to her, rubbing her back and doing all I can to support her. "Being angry and upset is not going to resolve everything."

"But we had the perfect chance big brother!" She said, "And we were so close in getting the wand! It was just inches away from our grasp!"

"I know Mal, but blaming Jay isn't going to help things along. How was he supposed to know there would be a siren on top of the magical barrier?"

"I-I...uh...well..." Mal had nothing. She had nothing to refute nor could she find anywhere for a rebuttal to counterattack. She turns to Jay and gives him a small hug, "I'm sorry."

Jay smiled a little and hugs back.

"It's alright Mal, no harm done."

"But I shouldn't let my stubbornness lash out on you like that."

"I feel ya." He lets go of the girl, "I would be p*ssed to if I was in your shoes." Mal chuckles at that.

"Ahh..." Evie smiles, "Brother and sister-like bond at it's finest."

"When it comes to us five, we are siblings." Ethan said.

"We might as well be siblings considering the bickering, complaining, arguing..." Carlos trailed off. Evie turns to him before raising her eyebrow.

"Your point?"

"We all act like siblings to one another. We laugh together, be there for one another, stick up for one another and far most,help one another." Carlos sits down, "We got one another's back and we will always be there for one another."

"Your right Carlos." Mal said, "We're all the reason for making Rotten to the Core, a thing."


"So..." Jay spoke, "What shall we do now? We failed the mission."

"How about we hang out for a bit?" Evie suggests.

"Good idea." I walk over to the game controllers and switched on the TV. "Considering that we only went out for like an hour, we got plenty of time before curfew starts." I turn to Carlos, "Care to teach your big brother how to play a video game?"

The boy gleams and grabs the other controller.

"Your on big bro! Warning you, I'm a pro!"

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I whooped your sorry behind on my first try?"

"You're so on!"

"Easy there boys." Eve chuckles.

"Hey big brother," Mal walks over to me, "you still up for that redecorating idea in a bit?" I nod,

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