Chapter Five- An Auradon Prep Welcome

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The limo turns around the corner and we arrive at our destination; Auradon Prep. Looking out the window, we just pass a sign- 'Welcome to Auradon Prep- Goodness doesn't get any better'.

"Oy vey." Mal mutters, "What fresh hell have we entered?"

"Oh lighten up." Evie said.

I look out the window and admire the various greenery and how radiant the scenery is. Unlike the Isle, this place was bursting with colour and and there are actual flowers in full bloom. Looking up, I see birds flapping their wings across  the sky and the sky so bright. It feels like a whole new world. The limo continues to drive forward and just up ahead appears to be the place in question- Auradon Prep. 

"Wow..." I said as I look at the new surroundings.

The school looked huge! The building was so historic as well as regal looking. The front garden was big and so wide, full of lush green plants and flowers. In the centre of the garden was a huge bronze statue which appears to be off the king of Auradon himself; King Beast. I smile brightly at that as it looked so cool.

I haven't told my friends or anyone this, but the king is my hero while the Queen, Belle, is my idol. I love those two and it has been a dream of mine to meet them one day. Most would think I am crazy for thinking of them as people to admire but you would have to think of the reasons why. Even though they trapped all the villains on the Isle and their children, they did it because they were scared and it was the only option they had at their disposal. They were wary of the children becoming like their parents.

"The people here really like yellow and blue." Carlos comments.

It's true. 

The banners hanging down the front of the building was in blue and yellow. It must be because it's the royal family's colours. If it is the tradition then I must honour it. On both sides we see people cheering as the limo pulls up to the entrance. I look to my right slightly and my eyes widen...

"Oh no." I mutter.

"What is it big brother?" Carlos asked. I point to the right. "Oh..."

There standing by the front is a girl about my height with long white hair dressed in a white regal short dress and white high heels. She had bright red lips and black eye shadow on. In her hands is a mini sceptre with a white heart while on her head is a gorgeous gold and silver crown. Her appearance is both stunning and gorgeous.

That there is my cousin; Maria White, daughter of Miranda White, the White Queen. My queen seriously and truly hates the woman and her daughter.

She raises a sign up, one in big bold letters- 'Welcome to Auradon Prep Ethan Heart!'

I could feel my chest tightening. My breathing suddenly getting a little heavy.

"Big brother, relax and try to breath slowly." Evie instructs.

"I know..I said I...wanted to meet soon...." I pant. 

"We'll be right with you." Jay said, "You're not alone."

 "We'll make sure things won't escalate too quick." Mal adds.

"Thank you guys." I smile.

"We got your back big brother, never forget that." Mal  said, "Let's get this over and done with."

We open the doors open and instantly I heard loud sound coming from the schools marching band that was playing. I look at them and each member is playing a different kind of musical instrument, some of them captivating me. Carlos and Jay begin to argue over something which quickly escalates to a brawl between them both. I looked over closely to find that they were fighting over an object.

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