Chapter 6

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Unlike the other days, today the office was eerily calm since our new boss will be arriving in a few minutes. Everyone was talking among themselves about the new boss. I was feeling nervous since I was the one, who will be working close to him. I was sending prayers to God, to send a kind boss like Shakti ji.

Silence was spread like a cloud and the ding of the elevators broke it. The golden colour doors of elevator opened ever so slowly revealing a well built Greek god in a black armani suit. He has a chiseled face and well kept long black hair that reached his shoulders, which was bouncing with every step he took. His chocolate brown eyes were cold without any emotion. He looked like a hero and sinfully handsome. The girls are drooling and eye raping him. He walked out of the elevator and the staff members came forward to welcome him.

A few staff members walked near him with flower bouquets.

"Congratulations... "

"Cut this nonsense, I don't have time for these things." His deep yet powerful voice boomed in the office making the people shrink back. " I don't want my staff to waste their and mine time, get into work. And I want all the previous reports on my table in 30 minutes." He said and moved into his cabin swiftly.

Everyone looked disappointed at the new boss and I walked to my cabin. The new boss was scary and intimidating. I was worried about working with him when the intercom buzzed.

"Ms. Sharma in my office in 5 min with a coffee." The new boss's voice came.

"Coffee in 5 minutes, what does he think about me, walking to the coffee machine takes 5 minutes Arrogant idiot." I muttered and ran towards the coffee machine, I don't want to face the wrath of my boss.

I stood in front of his cabin with a coffee tray in my hands. I am too scared to go inside, I took deep breathes as I raised my hand to knock the door.

"Come in." His emotionless voice came and I walked inside.

"Your coffee sir." I said placing it on the table and stood in front of him for further instructions as he was busy reading a file.

After a few minutes, he lifted his head from the file and looked at me.

"Ms. Sharma." He said in a cold voice, "I want all the previous records on my table and arrange a meeting with Miller's tomorrow."

"Okay sir." I said scribbling it into my note pad as he took a sip of the coffee.

"Is this what you call coffee? " He yelled making me flinch. " You don't know, how to prepare a coffee and you think yourself as an efficient Assistant? "

I stood there not knowing what to say.

"Got get me another coffee, with less sugar." He said pushing away the cup.

I took the cup silently and walked towards the pantry to make the coffee.

"Nandi bail." I muttered as I was preparing the coffee.

"Who's that new character? " Bhavya asked making me jump.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to scare you." Bhavya apologised.

"It's okay, I was talking about our new boss." I said mixing the coffee.

"What did he do? " She asked.

"He didn't said how he want his coffee and when I made a regular coffee he scolded me. Idiot, does he think I have some special powers to read his mind and know about his likes and dislikes." I ranted making Bhavya laugh.

"Thank god, at least my boss is not as cold as yours." Bhavya said, Bhavya works as an assistant to finance department head, Mr. Shukla, who's a old man in his mid fifties.

"I better hurry up before he starts barking again." I said taking the coffee cup with me.

I stood in front of the new boss's cabin door, which has "Omkara Singh Oberoi, CEO." Written on it. I raised my hand and knocked on his name plate imagining myself it's not his name but him.

I gave him his coffee and he drank it silently without any complaints.

"Is there anything you need sir? " I asked politely.

"Yes, get me Simpson project file." He said without taking his eyes off from the computer screen.

"Okay, sir." I said and walked out of the cabin.

The rest of the day went by with my new arrogant boss keeping me on my toes asking to bring various files and barking orders the staff. And at the end of the day, I was exhausted, I never felt work this difficult even when I have zero knowledge about the work. It felt like I had done the whole year's work in a day.

When finally the arrogant idiot gave me permission to go home, I have absolutely no energy left in me. I dragged myself outside the office and hired a cab to take me to my apartment since I don't have any energy left in me to walk to the bus stop to catch the bus.

I reached the apartment and slopped on the sofa exhausted.

"Hey Gauri, how's your day at work today? How was your new boss? " Anika asked giving me a glass of water.

"I felt like I came back to home after a day long ride in hell." I said gulping down the water.

"Seems like your new boss is not like the previous one." Anika said.

"Yes, Shaktiji was all kind and this new boss is one hell of a arrogant idiot, always keeps on barking orders. Akdu kahin ki." I cursed my new boss.

"Haha... Seems like he is a tough guy. Anyways I prepared dinner for us both, go fresh up let's eat dinner and watch some Bollywood movies and forget about your arrogant asshole boss." Anika said patting my back as I walked towards her room to fresh up.

Anika and I watched movies eating popcorn and ice cream.

"That was a amazing movie, I will never get bored watching it." Anika said stretching herself on the sofa.

"Yes, the way Salman khan beaten those goons to blue and black was awesome. I wish I could kick my boss that way." I huffed making Anika laugh.

"Okay, let's go to bed. We have office tomorrow." Anika said moving towards her room.

"Good Night, Anika." I said and went inside my room.

I was laying on her bed watching the ceiling, when my mobile buzzed.

"Hello Ricky." I said smiling.

"Hello Ri, How was your new boss? " Ricky asked enthusiastic.

"Don't remind me." I huffed.

"What happened? Is he some creepy old man or what?" Ricky asked making me laugh.

"No! He was not a old man, he was a handsome in fact devilishly handsome man, who looked like a male model who walked straight out of the magazine." I said remembering the way my boss entered the office today like a hero, his shoulder length black hair bouncing with each step he took and his cold chocolate brown eyes that has unreadable emotions held in depths of them. His husky yet manly voice that sends chills down the spine.

"Gauri? Are you there? " Ricky called from the other side of the phone bringing me out of my dream.

"Yes." I said.

"Seems like you are crushing over your new boss." Ricky teased.

"Crush and him, no way!" I said, "He was one arrogant, Akdu nandi bail. You know how cold and unsympathetic he is." I rattled cursing my boss making Ricky laugh.

"Girl, don't worry. If you feel so stressed just call me, we call me, we can always sit and bitch about your boss." Ricky said cheering me up.

"Thank you Ricky for being there always." I said smiling.

"Any time, Baby Girl." Ricky said ending the call.

I layed back on my bed thinking about what my boss was holding for tomorrow to torture me.

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