Chapter 30

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It's been 3 days since My boss reconciled with his long last bestie and since then he began to be less hard on people, he began to smile often, looked cool and taking life less grudgingly. Even though I didn't expected a sudden change in him, a little bit of change in his behaviour gave me hope that one day he will laugh freely and be less colder towards the life and people.

"Gauri..!!!" Rudra shouted suddenly standing at the door of my cabin making me jump.

"Rudra." I called keeping a hand on my heart.

"Gauri, how long it had been since I saw you, Sweetie." Rudra said coming towards me and pulling me into a big bear hug. "I missed you."

It was warm and friendly hug which reminded me of the hug I received from my boss a few days back, While Rudra's hug felt warm and friendly, my boss's hug felt more like a hug of gratitude and a pool of emotions, it felt so different to be close to him.The sudden unexpected hug from my boss made me feel nervous and shy, since I had never been so close to guys except for Vikram.

"I missed you too, Rudra." I said smiling at him.

"I have got to know about O and Ishaana's meeting, Thank you Gauri for bringing back my Old O." Rudra said emotionally.

"Hey, don't thank me, Ru." I said placing my hand over his. "I just did that to save myself from my boss, who would kill me with over work load because of his grudges towards his Ex-fiancee." I joked trying to ease the situation.

"Even then, Thank you. I got my old O back, you know he even sent me a gift of apology yesterday for being rude and cold to me all these days. And that credit goes to you." Rudra said giving me another hug.

"What's going on here?" My boss's voice boomed making me and Rudra jump back breaking the hug.

"Hey O, I was telling Gauri here, how much I missed her." Rudra said walking towards his brother.

"You can say that by staying a few feet away from her." My boss said in a irritated voice.

"What yaar O, just yesterday when I received your gift for me, I thought my brother changed and came here to confirm the same but you broke all my dreams! " Rudra said holding his heart and mocking hurt.

"Shut Up, Drama queen." My boss said smacking in Rudra's head.

"Ouch! That hurts." Rudra said rubbing his head.

"Did you liked your gift?" My boss asked Rudra.

"More like Loved it." Rudra said happily, "Thanks O, I have been asking Dad to buy me that new model sports bike since one year."

"Yes, I know." My boss said smiling.

"Thanks yaar." Rudra said giving a bro hug to my boss.

"Hey Ri, wanna go on a ride with me on my new sport bike?" Rudra asked as I was packing my bag to leave the office since the Office hours are over.

"No, she won't come with you." My boss answered even before I had a chance to open my mouth.

"From when  did you became Gauri's assistant, answering for her?" Rudra asked raising his brow.

"I am not her assistant, I am her boss and I have a complete power to take decisions for of my employees." My boss answered.

"And why are you running behind my assistant, what happened to Mr. Harrison's assistant with whom I caught you doing bumble dance in my pantry?" My boss said making Rudra blush.

"Gauri, are you ready to leave?" Bhavya said coming towards my cabin as in cue and stopped seeing Rudra and My boss in my cabin.

"Wow! Speak of the person and she's here." My boss said in a low voice.

"I think, I will wait for you near the gate." Bhavya said walked away in a hurry.

"Bhavya, wait." Rudra said running behind Bhavya, "Ri, We can catch up tomorrow call me." He said shouted running into the elevator with Bhavya.

I shook my head and began to collect my laptop to leave.

"You are not going anywhere with Rudra tomorrow." My boss ordered leaning against the door frame of my cabin.

"What made you think, I will follow your order?" I asked in a challenging tone.

"I am your boss." He answered in a arrogant tone.

"Well, It's Weekend tomorrow and I am off duty, I can do anything I feel like." I gave back to him in a same tone as his. Akdu, he thinks he orders and everyone has to follow him.

"No, you are not going anywhere tomorrow in fact you are coming with me to Hotel Rivera as my date for Ishaana's dinner party." My boss said.

"Now, you are making decisions even without asking me? I am your assistant not slave to follow your every order." I said feeling furious on my boss.

"I won't come with you anywhere. And I have my right to choose what I want to do and what not to." I said trying to walk out of my cabin.

My boss stood in silent for a second.

"Is that what you say to your friend, can't a friend take decisions for his friend," My boss said using my friendship weapon against me.

"I thought of taking my friend as a dinner date with me, Is it wrong, Gauri. Is it wrong to take decisions for a friend, to ask my friend to go with me?" My boss said playing the victim card.

"Don't even think that I will fall for your drama." I said strictly.

"Please, Gauri, please... Go with me to the Dinner date." My boss requested, "You see, things will get awkward since Samar will be there at the dinner and I want someone beside me to make me feel less uncomfortable. Please... Help your poor friend." My boss said showing puppy eyes.

"You know what?" I said frustrated and annoyed, "Making friends with you is the worst thing I had ever done and I regret it."

"Aww... Thank you for accepting my invitation." My boss said grinning, "Be ready at 6 pm tomorrow, I will pick you up." He said and walked back into his cabin whistling happily.

"I hate you, Omkaraji. You are one annoying and frustrating, arrogant Jatadhari Hippee." I shouted at his back.

"Well, Opinions change with Time, Darling." My boss winked before closing the door behind his with a Victorious smile on his face.

This annoying creature, Aarrghh...

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