Chapter 48

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I was standing in the middle of nowhere, where I am surrounded by the emptiness and the dark clouds  that are spreading in the sky indicating the arrival of the storm. I stood there in silence with two choices in front of me, not knowing which one to choose. Why does my life always have to be this complicated where I always end up with two best choices. If I choose one I will regret leaving another one. If I choose another one, I will end up loosing the first one. I can't loose either one and at the same time I can't make a choice between both. I stood in the park, looking at the dark clouds enveloping the sky as I recalled the conversation between Vikram and I a few hours earlier in his penthouse suite.

"No." I shouted, "I can't, I can't go and live happily with Omkaraji, leaving you, Vikram."

"Gauri, what ever I am doing, I am doing it for your own good, please try to understand, doll." Vikram tried to convince.

"Vikram, I can't leave you."

"Gauri, you love Omkara. And I want you to spend your live with The one, you love."

"I love you too, Vikram." I cried.

"I know, Gauri. I know that you love me, but the love, you have towards me is of pure gratitude and sympathy. I don't want you to be tied to me because, you feel that you are indebted for me, for whatever I had done to you."


"I know Gauri, I know you, more than you think. I know that, you cry silently in the washroom at nights, remembering your father and comes out looking happy, cause you don't want me to feel bad. I know that, you love Omkara, which is a pure love, that everyone in this eternal world craves for, but the love you have is an unadulterated love, like the one between a god and his devotee, you think so highly of me, Gauri. You treat me as a God for being so kind and nice to you but I am not a noble man."

"You are, you are a great person, a kind person, Vikram. I am happy to have you in my life."

"Me too, Gauri. I feel blessed to have a pure soul like you in my life and for having a chance to take care of you and I will always be there for you whenever you need. But I want you to have a complete life, Gauri. I want you to experience all the joys of the life"

"I wanted to see you happy and free with a person, who can shower you with abundant love and can give you a complete marriage life. I want to see you running behind your kids."

"I want you to relive all those days, you missed because of a forced relationship. I want you to relive your childhood again with your kids."

"What about you, Vikram? Don't you deserve happiness? Life had been cruel to you too. You deserve the love and happiness as much as I deserve." I argued.

"Gauri, life will give chance to everyone to be happy. And now it had given you one such chance, grab the opportunity and lead a happy life. As for me, I am happy with what I have now. I have my own company that I can lead without expecting a penny from my father. I have a friend, whom I can trust my life upon." Vikram said wrapping his arm around Ricky.

"And I have you, I can live my life happily and guilt freely knowing that you are happy." Vikram said holding my face between his palms, "And no one knows the future, Gauri. If life wants me to be happy, may be I can find a reason to be happy. But for now your happiness is what matters to me."

"That would be selfish of me____"

"You had been selfless through out your life, Gauri. You sacrificed your life and happiness for the deeds of your father, once in your life be selfish, grab what you want, ask yourself what. You. Need. In your life. Not what others need. The decision is yours, Gauri." Vikram said and walked away.

The rain drops began to fall down from the dark clouds happily embracing the earth.

My life has given me a choice to choose between two best choices and I am unable to prioritize between them. I couldn't choose one and loss the another. But I was sure about two things, I Love Omkaraji and Vikram happiness lies within my happiness.

"Gauri." I heard Omkaraji's voice from behind me.

"Omkaraji." I said surprised to see him.

"Gauri, I am sorry for whatever you saw earlier in the office, it was Ridhimma, which bursted into my office suddenly, I didn't even had time to react when she threw herself on me all of a sudden and began to kiss me forcibly, I was so shocked to react and I was about to push her away, when you entered into my cabin. Believe me Gauri, I never had any intention to be with Ridhimma." Omkaraji explained in one go.

I stood there looking at him as he continued.

"Gauri, I know what has happened in your life and what all you had been through. But that was past, Gauri. Everyone has a past that they may not be proud of, and what matters to me is your present and future. I love you for who you are now, Gauri. I love you and I always will. And I want you in my life, Gauri, and I am not saying this because I pity for what happened with you, but because I pity on myself that I can't live without you on my side, I want you in my life cause you are my happiness and I realized how painful it is to be away from you, the very next second you left my office."

"Gauri Sharma, I Love You and I want you in my life cause I couldn't imagine life without you." Omkaraji said looking at me waiting for an answer like a lost puppy. "I Love You, Gauri."

I looked at Vikram and Ricky, who was standing not far but a few feet behind Omkaraji.

They both nodded their heads in encouragement.

"I.. I love you too." I cried looking at Omkaraji as he pulled me into as tight hug like his life depended on it laughing through the tears.

"I couldn't explain, how happy I am." Omkaraji murmured into my hair, "I thought I lost you."

"I chose you, Omkaraji. And I will never leave you." I mumbled hugging him tight.

Through the corner of my eyes I can see Vikram smiling happily in my way, a contended smile as Ricky gave me a thumbs up giving a side hug to Vikram.

I closed my eyes leaning against Omkaraji's chest, rain drops rolled down my face mixing with my own tears, only this time they were the tears of happiness.

                        THE END

Epilogue will be updated soon.

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