I Just Want A Hug

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Linda O'Shea clutched her books to her chest as she made her way to her locker at the end of the school day. She quickly stuffed them in her bag, slammed the door shut, and briskly walked down the hall. The tears started to come, and she hoped she wouldn't see her boyfriend. She wasn't even sure why she was crying; her 'stomach' ached, her head throbbed, her eyes stung.
Danny was leaning on his usual lamppost, waiting for Linda. They both walked together until Linda had to make a different turn, then they took the respective public buses. He saw Linda coming, hands clutching the body strap of her bag. He gently grabbed her arm when she walked straight past him, "whoa, whoa."
Linda huffed out a big breath, annoyed that he had stopped her. "What?" She turned around, her voice cracking and tears streaming down her face.
Danny's face immediately softened, "what's wrong?"
She looked to the sky and shrugged, looking like she wanted to die.
"Did I do something wrong?" Because the chances of him doing something wrong or stupid without realizing it was staggering.
"What? No, no."
"Then what's the matter?" Danny pushed Linda's hair out of her face. He then kissed her forehead, "huh? What's the problem, baby?"
Whenever Danny pushed her hair back, kissing her forehead, she always lost it. Linda opened her mouth to speak, having a big, ugly sob come out. She felt herself being pulled into Danny's strong embrace. He rocked her back and forth gently, trying to calm her down. He didn't realize at the time that he'd be rocking her while she cried years down the road, over something incredibly stupid and dangerous he had done.
Linda took in a shaky breath and pulled back slightly. Her face flushed when she saw the big tear stain on his shirt. "Sorry."
"It's okay. What's the matter?"
She shrugged, "I don't know."
"I think you do."
She sighed, "cramps and a headache.... I know you can't understand this, but it hurts so bad. It hurts to even breathe."
Her voice was weak and vulnerable, and it broke Danny's heart. "I'm sorry. And you're right, I may not understand a helluva lot about mensural shit... but I definitely understand that..." he paused; how was he going to say this without hurting her feelings? "I understand that you maybe need space, so-"
"I just want a hug." Linda looked at Danny, new tears slowly falling down her face.
He smile ever so slightly and gladly hugged her. He then put his arm around her shoulder, "Come on, I'll take you home."
"You're a really good boyfriend, you know that?" Linda sniffed as she and Danny walked up to her house.
He shrugged, "I just wan' you to be happy."
"I bet most guys would find... this... absolutely disgusting."
"Yeah, well, I'm not most guys."
"That's true." They stopped at her front door, "I love you, Danny. I really love you."
"I really, really love you." His smile mirrored Linda's.
"Thank you.... every girl should have someone like you... but you can't have every girl. Only me." The blonde added in all seriousness.
Danny chuckled, "deal. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"If I don't die of pain!" He grinned and kissed her cheek, "you know, it's my head and lower body that are in pain, not my lips."
Danny grinned again, then kissed her sweetly. Grasping her arm lightly, he added, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Mhmm. Bye." Linda opened the door- by now, she knew the routine. Danny wouldn't leave until she was safely in her home.
"Hey, how was your day?" Mrs. O'Shea wondered.
"Crappy. But I know who I'm gonna marry." Linda smiled and made the painful trek upstairs. She flung her book bag on the bed and looked out her window, barely catching Danny round the corner. "I'm gonna marry that guy."

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