Books And Blonde Hair

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It was a lazy day for Detective Danny Reagan due to a conveniently timed- yet utterly annoying- week's worth of suspension. He wasn't even quite sure what he had said or did, but here he sat, reading a book he didn't care the least about, in his living room.
Danny sighed and looked up and over to his wife, who was also reading. Unlike him, she seemed completely involved in her hardback book. He watched as Linda twirled her hair around her finger, wondering what book she was reading. He wrinkled his brow, trying to read the cover or the spine of the book.
Danny's stares went completely unnoticed by Linda, how was enthralled in one of her monthly romance novels. This month's was particularly steamy- much more than the previous others. In fact, Linda was starting to have fleeting thoughts that she had to do something about the growing ball of heat in the pit of her stomach. She twirled her hair around her finger continuously, almost as if that was distracting her from crying out, 'I'm horny as hell, Danny! I need you right now!'.
Danny continued to curiously observe his wife, who's breathing was becoming just a bit faster and a little uneven. He watched her bottom lip slip between her teeth as her shoulders tensed. Her chest rose, but didn't come down right away; he saw her lips form a word, her eyes closing and chest falling. A smile spread on her face, her cheeks getting rosy.
"Are you reading one-a those crappy romance novels?"
Linda jumped when her husband's words filled the air. She placed her hand on her heart, set the book in her lap, and nodded. "Mhmm," she pushed her hair back, picking up her book once more.
"What's it about?"
"Oh, it's about this princess who was forced to get married to the dashing prince in the next kingdom." She pushed her hair back again, although it was fine. Clearing her throat, she continued, "I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened, but they're having a night of very messy, very primal..." She stopped, seeing that damn gleam in her husband's eyes. That gleam only meant one thing, "primal, uh.....passion?" Her voice went up involuntarily, and she wondered why. She knew what was coming, and she had mastered the 'wordplay'.
Danny nodded, "giving you any ideas?"
Linda looked shocked at first, but very quickly turned it into a smirk. "Actually...." she bookmarked her page and leaned forward, "it has. And I've been thinking how desperately I want to try them out."
Danny hovered over Linda, both sweaty and very aroused. They had never actually 're-enacted' a scene from a book before, making it new and exciting... albeit very confusing. The detective looked at the book, perched cleverly on the headboard (just watching Linda figure out how to attach the thing added new, dark fantasies in his head). He wrinkled his brow as he read the text, "that's physically impossible!"
By this time, Linda was frustrated, desperately needing their familiar format. She quickly thought how their 'formula' was vaguely mapped out, leaving lots of room for improvisations. "Oh, forget about the damn book!" She cried, her chest rising.
Danny smirked, commenting in almost a parental-condescending voice, "are we impatient?"
She whimpered and grabbed his face, thrusting her lips onto his. She snuck her tongue past her lips, parting Danny's. He opened his mouth for her soft tongue, loving how impatient she was. Linda ground her hips against Danny's, begging him to pleasure her. "Danny," she necked him, nipping his pulse point.
Danny looked Linda in the face, slowly lowering his lips to her lips. He slipped her tongue into her mouth the same time they conjoined, making Linda's brain buzz.
The blonde scratched her nails along Danny's arm, effortlessly moving to his rhythm. She was already so turned on, that her high cane fast- and hard. The one thing she was able to register was Danny's lips on her own.
Danny loved the feeling of Linda orgasming beneath him; it never failed to make his head a little bigger. He picked up the pace, as if searching for his own high.
Soon, both were breathing heavily and in sync, laying together on the creaky old bed.
"I should really stop thinking 'why is this bed so creaky?!'." Linda sighed, "especially after that."
Danny only laughed and kissed her cheek, thinking, maybe we should try re-enactments again sometime...

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