You Usually Hate Me

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"Are your wrists okay, Linda?" Jack Boyle wondered during a Sunday dinner.
"Uh.... yeah. Why?" The blonde was confused as to why he was asking the question.
"You kept rubbing them earlier. I'm just being thoughtful, is all."
Linda looked sideways at Danny, "Uh... thank you?"
"Why you so concerned 'bout her welfare all-a sudden?" Danny asked, chewing a roll.
Jack shrugged, feigning innocence.
"Yeah, you usually hate me," the blonde furrowed her brows. She and Jack had an ongoing feud. She was all for environmentalism, feminism, and the like, and Jack thought all her ideas were bunk- particularly feminism. At first, she ignored him, saying he had his own opinions and she respected that. Then, when he started taking jabs at her ideas, she started fighting back. She really started to dislike him when he kept making subtle hints about what she and Danny did behind closed doors. It seemed that shooting down her ideas and jabbing at her romantic life was Jack's favorite thing to do.
"Can't I be concerned for my favorite sister in law?"
"I'm your only sister in law, and, no, you can't."
"Lay off him, Linda." Erin grumbled, hating how everything had to be a war between the two.
"She's defending her ground," Danny stood up for his wife, "Jack fires, she fires back."
Erin only rolled her eyes, subtly looking to her Dad. He just sat at the head of the table, buttering his bread.
Conversations stopped for a little bit after that, but quickly resumed when Jack spoke again.
"Just another question... were you in handcuffs recently, Linda?"
Linda gave him a stare, "really? Just because my wrists hurt, you assume I broke the law or something?" She reached for a roll, Jack grabbing her wrist.
He turned her hand palm side up, exposing raw skin on her wrist. "I'm just asking cause your wrists say otherwise."
Danny reached over and slapped Jack's hand, "don't touch her."
Linda yanked her wrist from his grip, muttering, "asshole."
"Linda," Frank started to say something, but she beat him to it.
"Oh, so it's okay for Jack to accuse me of committing a crime or to bring up subjects that shouldn't be brought up at any dinner table- Sunday or otherwise- but it's not okay for me to mutter a cuss because he's being the cuss word?" She let her fists rest on the table, "oh, great. Thanks, I guess I know where I stand. Testosterone first, then the sane women, the kid and kids to come, and finally the crazy bitch who actually has valid points and opinions? Great, just great. I'm sorry I ruin your dinner every week. Have fun, Ha ha ha." She pushed her chair back and walked out of the room.
"If you tell me I have to control her, I'm gonna get rid of your chances for more kids," Danny threatened his brother in law.
"And you," Linda angrily stated, coming back into the dining room, pointing at Jack. "Do I announce to the family that you've got a leather kink? No, I don't."
"You just di-"
"Shut up, Joe!"
"You can't talk to him like that."
"You too, Jack! I don't purposefully point out your sexy wounds or your kinks or anything else like that. But you constantly do that to me. Why is that? Is it because my ideas are up with the times, and yours are as outdated as Henry's?" She turned to her grandpa in law, "no offense, Henry. Some of them I agree with, marriage before sex- is that why you hate me?" She turned back to Jack, "because I actually waited? I actually married out of love. What did you marry out of? Oh, that's right. You got her pregnant-"
"What the hell is your problem?" Erin wondered angrily, standing up. She loved Linda like a sister, but sometimes she stepped too far over the line. The attorney stood up, and started yelling at the blonde, who yelled right back.
Danny stood up, picked his wife up, and walked into the kitchen.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Linda crossed her arms once her feet were on the ground.
"Look, I appreciate your input and thoughts, but it'd be a really good idea not to bring up the fact that Jack got Erin pregnant before they were married. It's a touchy subject for Erin, and for Mom. Mom knows it, but she denies it."
Linda rolled her eyes. "I only bring that up when I wanna hit home."
"But that's too close. Trust me, baby, okay? Feel free to bring your opinion, but don't bring up that subject. Okay?"
"But he's so aggravating!"
"I'm just expressing my ideas. Is that so-"
"I'm serious, Linda. Stop. It."
She frowned, her face reading shove off. "Fine. But I will not be silenced, Danny Reagan. I'm gonna be heard. If not me,"
"Then who, yeah, I know your philosophy. Just... try not to hit close to home, okay? We're all dinosaurs in our ideas."
Linda smiled a little, "okay, I'll try to keep my roar at a growl."
The detective chuckled, "thank you."

I'm gonna try to make Linda more feminist. After a little research on Amy Carlson, I think it'd be fitting for Linda to be a little more like the actress who portrays her. Now, some of Linda's ideas (i.e. marriage) will stay what I've already established them as. Please send ideas/issues for Linda to talk about/take a stand on.

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