I Killed A Rabbit

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"Hey, Linda," Mary smiled over her shoulder at her daughter in law, "how was your week?"
"Well," Linda thought for a moment, looking at her mint her in law's back. The young woman was inspired by the Reagan matriarch. Here Mary was, sick, and still cooking dinner for the family. "I killed a rabbit."
It took Mary a second to understand why that was a positive thing, "oh my goodness! Congratulations!" She hugged the blonde.
"Thanks.... don't tell anyone, okay? I haven't been able to tell Danny."
"Of course, sweetie. It'll be between you and me."
Linda smiled, "go sit. I can handle this."
"Are you sure?"
"If I can handle Danny being a total ass, I can totally handle watching a roast and mashing potatoes."
Mary chuckled, "I'll send Erin or Joey or someone in to help you."
"Thank you. Now go. Sit!"
Mary made her way to the family room to sit down and relax.
Linda took a bite of the potatoes, "mmm."
"Hey, Mom sent me in to help. Whaddaya need?" Joe wondered, standing at the island.
"You can work on the salad."
"Okee doke.... you sent Mom to sit, didn't you?"
Linda nodded, "she's sick enough without running herself to the ground."
"Is that a loving daughter in law talking, or a nurse?"
She smirked, Joe always teased her about things like that. If someone was sick, he'd always ask if it was her love for her family talking or her professional nurse aide talking. "A little bit of both... she really just needs to relax. She's looking so tired."
"Meanwhile, you're glowing."
She shrugged, "good sleep, I guess."
"Uh huh." Joe nodded, not believing her.
"And I crushed it in mock trials this week," Jamie told the events of his week. He was a law student at Harvard, and sometimes had mock trials in New York. When that happened, he always made it to Sunday dinner. The dinner was a little bit early this week, considering Jamie had to drive four hours back to Boston.
"How was your week, Linda?" Jamie looked good his former babysitter.
"The highlight of my week was when I killed a rabbit."
The table looked at her, confused looks written faces. Henry, Mary, and Frank smiled, realizing what she meant.
"Wow. Your week must've been pretty shitty," Joe stated. "Did you run over it with a lawnmower like I did when I was twelve?"
"No, I didn't run over it with a lawnmower. And don't use that language." She whispered, "Little ears," referring to her two and a half year old son.
"Sorry, J-man," Joe looked at little Jack, who was focused on the food on his fork in his daddy's hand.
"What do you mean?" Erin wondered, stabbing a green bean.
"I didn't run over the rabbit. It was shot."
"You shot a rabbit? You, Miss Wouldn't Hurt A Fly, shot a rabbit?" Jack Boyle wondered.
"No, I didn't shoot it. Not with bullets at least. It was injected, and it died."
"So you poisoned it?"
"Babe, what the hell are you talking about?" Danny turned to his wife.
She sighed, "you people don't get around much, do you? When someone says the rabbit died, it means they're gonna have a baby! Gee whiz, I thought you people'd be educated!"
"Lemme get this straight...." Danny stated, ignoring his wife's eye roll. "What you're saying is... that... we're gonna have a baby?"
"We're gonna have a baby," Linda beamed, getting hugs of congratulations.
"When did you find out?" Mary wondered.
"Friday." The blonde smiled widely, happy they were going to have another baby.

Guys, I thought should explain this: back in the 50's/60's and probably before, doctors used to take Urine samples from potentially pregnant women. They injected the urine into the rabbit, and, if it died, that meant the woman was pregnant. This is what Linda means by "I killed a rabbit".

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