You Missed

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*based off another short fic I did and the cutest scene in the entirety of Elf*

"Why exactly are we doing this? You hate to skate!"
"I kinda told a girl I'd go skating with her."
"My, my, my, brother of mine. You really are desperate," Erin Reagan shook her head, her arms crossed, as she watched her brother senselessly look at the skates.
"I am not desperate." He turned around, "look, I really like this girl. She's just so.... different."
"Look, all I'm sayin' is your gonna end up embarrassing yourself in front of her. That's all.... what's so different about her anyways?"
"I don't know. She... she keeps me off guard, challenges me, I dunno. And what business is it of yours?"
"Gee whiz, Danny. Calm down."
"I am calm..... I think I'll buy these."
"You know you can rent skates, right?" Erin wondered, following her brother to the cash register.
Linda O'Shea sat on the bench, skates already expertly laced. She loved ice skating, every aspect of it. She loved the cool air, the flushed cheeks, love songs playing in the background. She also bizarrely likes falling, it always hurt and stuck with her for a couple of days, but there was just something about it that gave her a quick adrenaline rush. At the time, she didn't know it was foreshadowing one of her favorite things in the bedroom.
Linda stood up and waved, "Danny!"
He smiled and walked over to her, skates in hand. "Hey. Did you wait long?" He sat down to put on his skates.
"Nah. I ate some Cheetos while waiting."
"Cheetos from a skating rink? If it's anything like roller skating rinks, they cheated you out of two dollars and fifty cents."
Linda laughed, "how long since you've gone ice skating?"
"Last winter," Danny somewhat lied. He had gone skating- for only five minutes. He knew rinks always had video and arcade games, and that was where he was usually found.
Linda skates onto the ice first, followed by Danny. She tried to help her laughter as he fumbled and clung to the wall for at least ten minutes. She turned around, skating backwards, "you doing okay?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm great," he responded, his eyes on the ice.
She smiled widely, moving next to him, "I'm not very good, either."
"Obviously," he rolled his eyes, and lost his footing, immediately grabbing Linda's arm. They both fell, the blonde laughing.
"Sorry," Danny mumbled, figuring she was laughing at him.
"It's alright! I usually time myself to see how long I can go without falling." She stood up and helped Danny, holding onto his hand for the next few minutes.
Suddenly, something came over the love struck teenager. He wasn't sure if it was the lights, the big smile Linda was supporting, or Sinatra crooning away over the speakers, but something possessed him to do it. He bent his head and gave Linda a peck on the cheek.
She stopped skating and looked at him, hoping her face conveyed annoyance.
"Sorry..." Danny apologized, his ears red.
"You missed."
".... What do you mean I missed?"
"You missed." Linda put her hand on his shoulder and kissed his lips sweetly. She smiled at him shyly, holding out her hand again.
Danny smiled at her, and took her hand. He had a feeling he'd be seeing this girl for a long time, he just didn't know it would be until his or her dying breath.

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