AlsoWhen it begun

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*no ones pov*

when Bakugou Katsuki had gotten his quirk he started bullying his friend Izuku Midoriya you see Izuku was  quirk less . (Right now there 8) 

*Bakugou's POV*

Stupid nerd looking down on me well he's quirk less , I think while walking home . "I'm home mom!" I as Im walking up the stairs "GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!!!" Mitsuki yells . What did I do this time I think , I come down to see mom drunk as with a beer in hand . I walk down a little bit scared I won't lie. Before I could blink I feel I sharp stinging pain on the top of my head , I look at my mom to see a now smashed beer bottle . I am a bit dizzy and I can't hear well , I can hear muffled shouting that's it . "Are you listening brat" mom yells , them she punches me hard in the stomach. I yelp in pain . I think I was getting beat for about a half hour . She finally walks away.

(Present time he is now 16) 

I walk to school yesterday the beating was extra bad I fucking hurt all over  I think as I just reach the school entrance. 'Mom' is smart she only leaves marks in areas that could be covered up. I'm about to enter the stupid door to home room when I hear kirishima "hey Bakubro over here" oh it's Kirishima well time to put the facade on "what do you want shityhair" I ask while he leans on my shoulder "do you wanna hang with Mina Sero Denki and me after school" he starts. "Yea what ever" I say not really careing . "Ok cool" he says as I walk into class leaving him behind.

*Kirishima's POV*

Well I got Bakugo to hang with us cool.....Wait he left me behind! I think as I walk into class after him I sit down after I see Bakugou already in his seat. As soon as I sit down the bell rings , then Aizawa walks in "good morning class" he says in really tired voice I stop listening then I zoom out  and stare out the window it's cloudy probably going to rain later . " SORRY IM LATE SIR!!!!!!" Mina yells as she rushes in . I see Bakugou flinch ..... wait Bakugo flinched that's not right I thought .  Aizawa gave Mina a detention. A while later I don't know have long the bell goes

*time skip lunch time*

I grab my lunch and go to find Bakugou and the others when I finally see them I sit next to Bakugou he puts so much spice on it it's unreal ( puts autocorrected to poop lol)  I gust chat to the squad making jokes puns ext Denki starts teasing and poking fun at Bakugou he shouts " shut it you stupid ass pikachu" everyone laughs he may not seem like it but he is acutually caring such as he payed me back for the night vision goggles he makes sure we all eat and are health he also make sure everyone's spirts are high. You see I have been thinking about Bakugou alot recently I wonder why tho.

*Bakugo's POV*

God there so loud I think then Denki made a comment that it . I suddenly snap like actual anger not just fake anger , they all start laughing . Why do they think that it's funny it's not, got it had enough  of this . *ring I'm the bell* I go to class we have hero training next so I walk there *in the training room* I quietly wait for the others to get changed so I can too done want them seeing the bruises and cuts..... Todoroki asks me "how come you never change infront of us you hide ing something"I freeze omg how am I supposed to reply to that I can't just say that my mom is abusing me can I "w-what ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU DUMB HALF N HALF!!!!!!" I yell not wanting to sound suspicious but damit I stuttered I'm never getting away with that 

*Todoroki POV*

Ok something isn't right firstly he stuttered second he seemed to be so put off guard he is hiding some thing I can see it in his eyes.... sorrow "ok if you say so"I reply if this is what I think it is I won't pry into it yet . I continue getting ready I wait till every one leaves then I go up to him "hey Bakugo I know your hiding something I can see it" I say "shut it" Bakugo snaps surprisingly calm . I walk over to the door then walk out I'm half way down the hall when I realize I forgot something I go back to the lockers . I open the door and I see a bruised and bloody Bakugou . "B-Bakugo" . I say shit I stuttered . I saw his face drop...... a face of pure horror he had cuts littered his body along with bruises that wasn't done by him self "d-don't tell anyone please" he says in a quite defeated tone "I know how you feel"I say *after explains todos past* Bakugou didn't look so scared Any more so that's good I wonder if Kirishima Denki Mina and Sero know about this I wonder as he finishes getting changed and we head to class.

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